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Anybody else a bit "meh"..?

John K

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And I thought I was miserable, come on guys get a grip, first bonus is if you actually wake up in the morning the rest is a bigger bonus make something of it. Then do what suits you if you are still working then make the most of that if you can. I was having a slow start to the week now I'm going to media city on Wednesday for some classical music recording session. If its ok its ok if not I won't go back. You are a long time dead, shake it up and have a reality check. It could always be worse.


I'll be going to the library to keep warm soon or even god forbid the Trafford Centre, I will draw the line at that but Christmas shopping a joy, now I'm depressing myself.


Bah humbug


Bob :(:d

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Not out of mine - I'll get my coat


Bob :d

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I'm off to see the movie "Northern Soul" on Friday and I'm like a little kid at Crimbo, I cant wait :d

I'll probably end up Bopping in the aisle :laugh:  Oh yeah I'll be 65 in a fortnight :oops:

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Please somebody post and tell me their life is all sunshine, bluebirds and rainbows just to give me hope..!


Well, I'm happy as a pig in sh...


Only thing I need to make life even more sickeningly sweet is time to spend building my Westy :d

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This should cheer you up a bit then.....


This morning, the tribe of fellow slaves I call my work mates stitched me right up and I dropped myself right in it......


Names shall remain unwritten but revenge will be metered out swiftly and surely..... so get comfy and read on.


"It's Monday" says the boss, "that means it's team brief"........ YAWN..... (as I've already delivered it to my small tribe.)


"It's a new format....... instead of having a picture of the big cheese on the front page there's a load of safety messages and goals for the coming week"....... YAWN some




"Page 2 has some more"....YAWN..... "and page 3 has the photo and a message from the big cheese and some stuff about projects but it's a bit of a disappointment"......


YAWN.... BOOM, flash of comic inspiration hijacked me and I said rather too loudly "yeah there's only one tit on it"..... they all looked but no-one laughed....... they all


had knowing smug looks on their faces...... there was only one thing to do at that point, I said in true panto fashion "and he's behind me isn't he?"....... the rest you can


guess..... talk about an uncomfortable silence.....



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Meh indeed. Can't be bothered with work. Struggle to get out of bed for a run / gym in the morning. Not interested in my Westfield and looking at Porsches again 'cos I'm might use it a bit more. Same every year although the struggle to get out of bed usually waits until the change of clocks.

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Table, I retrained 10 years ago and have never looked back.  its easy to have a new career every 5 years or so these days... just find something you have a passion for and go for it mate :-)


Thanks for that Alex :yes:

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Yeah I've been feeling a bit meh your not the only one.

Fed up of not sleeping properly, always having a blocked up nose and always being tired. (You shouldn't get out of bed a feel more tired than when you got in)

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Yeah I've been feeling a bit meh your not the only one.

Fed up of not sleeping properly, always having a blocked up nose and always being tired. (You shouldn't get out of bed a feel more tired than when you got in)

Strange... same name same symptoms  :suspect:



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I got to 58 after feeling "meh" for at least 10 years and had the opportunity of taking "early retirement" (the goal post should have been 60 anyway but was moved to 65 and would probably have moved again).


So, 58, took the money and four years later, I'm as happy as a spring lamb (honest) - yes I moan about politicians and anyone under the age of 20 (sorry to all those out there that fit that description - especially any 20 year old politicians).


Ok, money is tight, very tight, and some objectives are not going to be met, but you know what? I don't give a $&^£ (and quite honestly nor does my wife now - she accepts the future may be uncertain but much prefers the unstressed and more laid back me than the anxious and always angry worker).


After a few health scares, life's too short and we are all under so much pressure to "perform" - my advice is to look at what you really want to do - jump off the merry go round if necessary, but do it soon before any negative thoughts turn into something way more serious....


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Jeez, c'mon you lot MAN UP and sort yourselves out......

Well that's the hand grenade lobbed in, that should liven things up a bit round here :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Just home from pub :-) top day :-) I was driving in the end but as long as every day is like a Sunday I'm happy :-)

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Jeez, c'mon you lot MAN UP and sort yourselves out.....

You are an insensitive beast and a typical man...

Pass me the chocolates and the Mama Mia DVD...

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Got it in one :d

My missus reckons I'll never have a heart attack, cos' I aint got one ;)

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