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Anybody else a bit "meh"..?

John K

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Dunno what it is, but for the last few weeks it all seems to be a bit hard work.

Even some achievements like finishing my ring main don't really cheer me up.

This morning I woke up and all I could think was "I don't know what I want to do, I just know I don't want to be doing this..."

I am 46 so I guess it could be the mid life blues...

Please somebody post and tell me their life is all sunshine, bluebirds and rainbows just to give me hope..!

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Could be SAD (seasonal affective disorder), I get the same way at this time of year, but it's only really come on in the last 5 years or so.


I've got a pile of stuff I need to be doing, but with the days getting shorter I don't feel like I have the time once I get in from work.

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I considered writing a cheerful post to cheer you up, but to be honest I'm a bit 'meh'.

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The greyness/blackness of the days always effects me, feels exactly the same. I feel 'meh', but don't know what would make me feel any different, just i don't want to do what i am doing. 


However, i am excited about getting married in 3 weeks so i'm really looking forward to that. 

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The greyness/blackness of the days always effects me, feels exactly the same. I feel 'meh', but don't know what would make me feel any different, just i don't want to do what i am doing. 


However, i am excited about getting married in 3 weeks so i'm really looking forward to that.

Nice one..! Hope the Westie will feature in the day at some point..! And best wishes for the day and the future.

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I'm the opposite, winter is the best time of the year, rugby, skiing, shooting season, fires and warm pubs after... and proper tree work without pesky insects and bats/birds getting in the way... I love winter :-)

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This morning I woke up and all I could think was "I don't know what I want to do, I just know I don't want to be doing this..."

I feel like that everyday and have done for nearly 20 years. And I still don't know what I want to do but whilst the years go by and I ponder making a change I'm getting older and nearly 42 now. I keep telling myself I have plenty of working years left but I started saying that a long time ago now. Trouble is I'd probably need to retrain which costs money and takes time and I still have the bills to pay so can't be out of work. It's a double edged sword for me.

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Table, I retrained 10 years ago and have never looked back.  its easy to have a new career every 5 years or so these days... just find something you have a passion for and go for it mate :-)

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I'm the opposite, winter is the best time of the year, rugby, skiing, shooting season, fires and warm pubs after... and proper tree work without pesky insects and bats/birds getting in the way... I love winter :-)

Good man James, you did actually raise a smile. Totally agree there should be a lot to look forward too, just need to kick myself up the A*** and go do it

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Aye,  chin up John, get out in some windy blustery woods for a few hours, work up a sweat, eat some nice ham hock and fresh bread with tomatoe for lunch with apples off a tree planted in 1890, do a bit more and go driectly to the pub at 5pm for 3 ciders - thats my working day every day :-)

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James. You are a ray of sunshine. You cheered me up and wasn't even feeling down!!

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The greyness/blackness of the days always effects me, feels exactly the same. I feel 'meh', but don't know what would make me feel any different


This time of year I tend to spend more of my time with like minded people on internet forums and online gaming (PC, not console kiddies). There may also be some opportunities for some autumn/winter photography.


This year, with the missus moving in, I suspect my mood may suffer as i'll be having to spend more time with her, watching TV a lot more, x-factor, Coronation street and whatever other non-sense, but we shall see :p

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All part of the service Nic - SAD counselling available FOC to all WSCC members, days out in woods as well and chainsaw usage courses can be sorted.... fully equipped man cave available for ayone who is lost and "in between garages"   :d

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All part of the service Nic - SAD counselling available FOC to all WSCC members, days out in woods as well and chainsaw usage courses can be sorted.... fully equipped man cave available for ayone who is lost and "in between garages"   :d

Sounds like we have the start of a possible "Winter Pagan Man" festival round at James's...

Now where did I leave my Wicker Man and goat skull head dress..?

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