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What does the better half think of the pride & joy ?

Steve M

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This is what my GF sent me in a text the other day.


" a line has to be drawn somewhere. its getting beyond a joke. Buttercup may be lovely but enough is enough. its running into thousands".


HA. if only she knew what I had bought this week.


Its a good job I take no notice.

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Im with PEP on the hay front - same in my household… i like that Buttercup :-)

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She loves it

Although i get the odd death stare when we come out of a corner neither of us thought we would make :)

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This is what my GF sent me in a text the other day.


" a line has to be drawn somewhere. its getting beyond a joke. Buttercup may be lovely but enough is enough. its running into thousands".


HA. if only she knew what I had bought this week.


Its a good job I take no notice.


If my missus questions my spending, I'll remind her that she just (last 3 weeks) spent the price of her holiday on handbags to try and find one that fits the carry on baggage limits for the plane, 4 handbags and she didn't think to take a god damn tape measure with her!!! *face palm*

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mine doesnt seem to mind what i spend so long as i pay my half of the bills and i dont "borrow" to do it. but it goes both ways she buys all sorts of stuff like a table in the shape of an ostrich so hey ho .... im not sure she's aware of the amounts im spending tho.

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She loves it

Although i get the odd death stare when we come out of a corner neither of us thought we would make :)

Does this happen often? ???

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She loves it. I do drive more sedately with her in it though and don't make the bike engine sing too much.


When asked if she'd like to be insured on it she said "Can you ever imagine a time where you say 'You drive and I'll sit in the passenger seat?' " and she's not confident in taking it out on her own. So she's never been insured to drive it and just likes wafting about the countryside pointing out all the interesting stuff I can't look at because I'm too busy keeping my eyes on the road.

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