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What does the better half think of the pride & joy ?

Steve M

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Mine loves it and has driven it a few times, however on the way to Stoneleigh last year she threw up in the passenger side big style, when we got to the car show I told her to go and get some water, she said to me will it make me feel better? I replied NO IT F@@@@@G WON'T but it will clean the car, I think that upset her a little for some reason.

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There's an image thing with these cars and most women are very image concious (sorry ladies, but it's true)..... SO throw them into something like this and all they're really thinking about is how silly they may or may not look. Not to mention the mess it makes of their hair :p

Most people don't really know what to think when they see one, but if someone famous/popular was seen in one, then I think they'd be a lot more keen on getting into the passenger seat.


My missus can take it or leave it, she's said I brake too hard, but I think that's because she can't stop herself sliding forward in the seat (need a footrest).

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hehehehe I like that sick story :-)  True Lyons.


\Debbie drove my car at Sprint school and she was very quick - i'd like her to do speed series next year with me :-)

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Mrs H is just sad that my car is now so much a sprint car that it isn't suitable to go on long blats, which she used to love when we first had the car, despite it always having had no carpet and only a windscreen!

She enjoys it on track as well, as long as it isn't at racing speeds. when we last went on track days she said that the sighting laps were fast enough for her. She also enjoyed driving it in the Anglesey parade laps although she needed 3 thick foam cushions to be able to reach the pedals and see over the screen!!

All in all, not bad for a pensioner bird. :t-up:  :t-up:  :d  :d

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my mrs loves it when its running

hates it when its not because im fixing it

then loves it again.


she even bought a new skid lid at donnington show the other week.

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My wife thinks mine should have 4 legs and a saddle on it's back and can't wait to sell it to buy more hay!!!!

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She sat in it once, in the garage, and said "it's the first time I've sat in a P***s extension"    :(  :(  :(



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My wife has always been supportive of my hobby and does go out in the cars we have had and has helped to build them. A week in France in a narrow bodied one is a cosy trip.


She see's it as an investment and protection if truth be known. Whilst I am messing with the cars I am not out, making a fool of myself, chasing women to rub up against in some sort of last chance to act young, so it is much cheaper than a divorce (especially for me) and let's face it there is no chance of pulling in a Westfield. :d 

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It was all the wife's idea....... (I remember now.......I wanted a bike)  I rarely get to go anywhere without her, and as it's a right noisy hooligan she's learned not to try shouting things like goodness me Slow down...... she just glares and I get the message, I reckon we've done 4k miles this year.  



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It was all the wife's idea....... (I remember now.......I wanted a bike)  I rarely get to go anywhere without her, and as it's a right noisy hooligan she's learned not to try shouting things like goodness me Slow down...... she just glares and I get the message, I reckon we've done 4k miles this year.  



Now I know that I didn't type "goodness me".......  you gotta love big brother......

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My wife absolutely hates going in the Westy. Took her for a run when I got my first one (slowly, honest!) and she didn't speak to me for the rest of the day (quite nice actually... :) ). However, my youngest daughter (now 16) really loves the car and when she was younger used to fall asleep on the way back from blats!



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Good thread, think I know which answers I prefer so will have to bring it up in conversation with potentials. 

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Er in doors calls it a plastic car. Damm cheek if you ask me, it got a carbom spliter I said. Is that a fancy word for plastic then. I gave up and was getting ready to go out for a blat. Where are we going then.

I tell you sometimes it hard to like someone


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