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What does the better half think of the pride & joy ?

Steve M

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Hello all, just wondering what your other halves think of your 'other love' ? , that being of course the Westfield !

My partner went out in mine for my birthday day a few weeks ago but that's it : (

She's still a bit miffed that I'm selling the motorbike, which has in fairness been replaced by the new love : )

What do your better halves think of your cars?

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I took my ex gf out in in once and she was literally curled up in a ball in the footwell in silence. 


The current one loves it and passengers on track sometimes. 

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In 2005 mine jacked her Job to come to the USA to drive 4000miles in 3 weeks coast to coast, I think it's safe to say she's a fan and that's why I married her

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Hates it................. been in it twice in 6 years.


( I didn't take it over 3.5k revs)

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My GF loves it but does prefer it with the doors on rather than off.


it is extremely rare that I am in Buttercup on my own.

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Debbie goes in my car occasionally - and i have to moderate my driving accordingly…. 

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Lady Chair loves it, actually encouraged me to buy it and frequently tells me to pick up the pace.  Rarely out without my lovely thrill-seeking best friend.  :love: 

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Think she sees it as an illiquid savings account that offers negative interest, that costs a small fortune to keep open and takes a lot of my time.

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Debbie goes in my car occasionally - and i have to moderate my driving accordingly….


Wendy not Debbie though ! :d

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Wendy not Debbie though ! :d

But Wendy's Mum absolutely loves it and has been heard saying 'faster' 'faster' :) :)

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My OH has been in it for 1.5 mikes from top of village to bottom. Never went more than twenty or 3k RPM.

She is in no hurry to repeat.

I don't think she hates the car, but she can't see past the lack of safety stuff. She can't settle when she has convinced herself it's a death trap.

Regards costs and time spent on it no issues as I am mostly a dutiful hubby... (Mostly)

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SWMBO hates it.  She is happy for me to have the Westfield (as she was with the Caterham before).  She had one trip in the Caterham and has never been in the Westfield other than to sit in it to press the brake pedal while I bled the brakes.  She thinks we're all slightly barmy but accepts that we really enjoy our cars.

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Wifey likes the gentle drives to the countryside, shops and garden centres.     Tried going on track with me but felt ill after two laps, so will stick to the normal roads.

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