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Essex Air Ambulance run Sept 7th 2014


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Weather looking ok for tomorrow at the moment.

Stow Maries airfield unable to do breakfasts as have a fly-in this weekend and expect 2500 visitors......we can still meet there and go for a blat to Burnham, have breakfast and then on to Harwich run.....

How does that sound ?

I would be happy to meet anywhere......so over to you.....so long as I get a breakfast....

See you tomorrow.

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I'm coming Graham, Marissa is thinking of coming as well, typical woman.  How about meeting at the Lodge and brekky in Tiptree as it's on the way.

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I'm coming Graham, Marissa is thinking of coming as well, typical woman. How about meeting at the Lodge and brekky in Tiptree as it's on the way.

just a word of caution but the B1022 from Tiptree to Colchester is being resurfaced at the moment. There is a lot of harsh changes in road levels, raised manhole covers and a pretty awful road surface. If you're travelling from the Maldon direction the better route at the moment is to use the B1026 Goldhanger road and follow it to it's end at Peldon of alternatively turn off halfway along it to pick up the road over Aberton Reservoir and through Layer De la haye.
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Mark....are you joining us ?

Sorry Graham, But I wont be able to make this one.
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^^^^^^He's got a bird now, no time for us now :) ^^^^^^^^

That might have something to do with it :oops::o
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Sorry chaps, not this time :) have a good run out.

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Been out and missed the banter, lodge ok with me. Will think about somewhere to head for breaky once we are all together.

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