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Essex Air Ambulance run Sept 7th 2014


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Need to double check my dates, but should be available and up for this. :t-up:

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Graham do you have details of when and where we are meeting for this?

Also as its for a very good charity i would us to either pay the official entry or a voluntary contribution.

I will send an email out over the weekend to rustle a few more members.

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I have family visiting next weekend so can't make it.

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Thanks guys.

Pete we could meet at the Stow Maries airfield, cuppa or brekkie and join from A414/A12

Or....park & ride at same junction .

Last resort MacSmellies, Boreham interchange....

Dick Turpin A127 may suit other members......we'll see what response you get.

Around 11-12 ish is normally a good time.

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Graham, so how does meet at Stow Maries at 9am for coffee/breakfast and and head to the a12/a414 at 10:30 ready to tag on the back sound?

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Graham, so how does meet at Stow Maries at 9am for coffee/breakfast and and head to the a12/a414 at 10:30 ready to tag on the back sound?

An hour and a half for a  nice leisurely breakfast,    Top idea from the man in the  :westy:  car. :yes:

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Sounds good......I'll arrange for breakfasts......looks like only 4 of us at the moment but fingers crossed for a few more.

Maybe go for a drive before we go to A12 ?

Are we all taking a passenger ?......

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I'll be there. Looking forward to it. Will be bringing my 12 year old daughter along for the ride if she's up in time!

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Thanks for bothering Graham and sorry for the poor response. I'll be there - see you Sunday.

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Weather looks good for Sunday, you may be surprised who turns up, thankfully we often end up with more Westfields present than post on here. :t-up:  :t-up:   

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