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Ian, I've logged in as you using my iPad and had no issues at all accessing all three of your albums or uploading a photo.  I can only assume its a problem at your end with your browser, browser security settings or aggressive anti-virus.


If you want to email me the photos and tell me which album you want to use, I'll log in as you and upload the photos. :)


The reason you can't create an album is that you already have three, which is your personal limit.


The file size is the limiting factor, only 2meg per photo I believe.  Most new cameras are 7 to 12meg these days so you have to resize the photo.  Best way of uploading to this forum is by hosting your photos on Photobucket. Picasa etc. then transferring to a post directly from Photobucket or Picasa directly using the image transfer.

I find this useful for downsizing raw images from phone or camera, then you can easily upload them. https://imageresizer.codeplex.com/

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The reason you can't create an album is that you already have three, which is your personal limit.



Haha, nail, head HIT!"  deleted albums and hey presto I can create a new album, now where does it say, and I missed it that 3 albums is maximum?


But, to me it is logical to limit amount of storage space the total number of photo's take up rather than number of albums which could consist of only a couple of photo's each?






Ian, I understand where you're coming from, but it's kind of a balance.  The current limit is 120 photos in all with a maximum of 40 piccies per album, 3 albums maximum.  We have to specify how many albums allowed per member AND the total number of images allowed per album.  However we decided to offer it (1 album w/120 photos, 2 albums w/60 photos each, or the current 3 albums w/40 photos each), 120 photos is the combined limit.  There's several reasons for the 3 album logic at the moment:


> Some members go out and photo run outs, track days, shows, etc. and 40 photos seems to be at the very upper end of what they take at these events (if they're an amateur - if they're a pro, they use their own web space anyway) and that they want to share.  If we increased the number of albums, we'd have to lower the number of piccies allowed per album, meaning they'd have to split events over 2 or more albums.


> If you go the other way and only have 1 or albums with 120 or 2 albums with 60 photos per album, members couldn't separate photos they way they'd want to sometimes.


> The reason we limit the photo numbers and size is the amount of server room it takes up and the associated cost if we started proving more storage area for 1,200+ members.  The albums were meant to be a convenient place to store a limited number of photos about your Westfield and experiences with it you wanted to share.  We simply haven't got the resources to be a Photobucket or Picassa I'm afraid.  (The limit used to be 50 photos total.)


I just run two albums personally, one Westfield related, one general.


Hope that clarifies things for you - glad you got it sorted out. :)


Yes, i understand the logic, and now I'm educated I can utilise to my needs within the parameters.


I'm just glad i can put more photo's on, even if it is one that will have you all laughing at me  :blush:


The reason you can't create an album is that you already have three, which is your personal limit.

well I've just learnt something new today :d :D no wonder I couldn't fix it :oops:
  • 2 months later...

Exhaust bracket


Just testing




At last I seem to have mastered the photo size reduction and gallery copy bit, retirement agrees with me I think.


i just read this and thought ille have a go as i can never get photos up

i cant even get into photobucket on my laptop as my connection isnt secure and i might have attackers :bangshead:

i think ille go back to acting thick and let friendly members do it 


Open your own gallery on this site but be aware of the file size max of 750 gigawobbles, I downloaded a recommended resizing programme to allow photos to be resaved in a smaller format. Upload your photos to the gallery then bash em into the posting. Come on BAF once I put my mind to it it didn't really take too long. I think it was Cleggy who recommended the resize programme but I kept loosing the site so just googled one. Click media above then gallery images and it adds the image details into your post which hopefully is the photo once you post it.


Fuel pipes At bulkhead


Bob-- shazam if I can do it

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