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Proposal **** Take your Westie to work day

John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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Mines at work every day

Mine too
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I take mine at every opportunity.

But unfortunately 7th I can't.

Great idea though.

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I can probably only do Fridays, and only when its quiet as we have weird mile/radius from work clauses in effect. But I plan to, one day...

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I wish I could use mine for work but I don't have the ground clearance to get onto the building sites :down:

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Great idea but I'd have to bribe a Government official for a parking space and pay the congestion charge. Unless.........

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Mines at work every day

Mine too

Mine too , unfortunately in bits at the moment , however I have been asked to look after my friends for a while as he is garageless , he asked could I take it for a run reasonably regularly ..................................................... let me think about that one  :dg-westy: , if its taxed I will use it on the 7th :)

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Back in the past when I did work, on one of my Westy days the google earth camera flew over and my Westy was in the yard at work :cool:

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It's been known




Though occasionally some creative parking can go unappreciated



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We have jobs in Aberdeen, Inverness, Brighton, Suffolk, South Wales, at about 1mpg i think it may be too expensive for me to join in

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It's a noble idea, however in my experience people become complete (c u next tuesday)s when someone rolls up to work in a nice car.


I work at the sort of place where technical skills are played down as being "simple" and "brainless", by office bods who like to think they're a cut above. Most of these folks couldn't even change a flat, so a kitcar probably ranks up there as a major insult to their deluded sense of superiority.


My daily barge has already been hit 3 times on the works car park, purely because almost none of them are capable of reverse parking, so I can imagine what would happen if the idiots couldn't actually see the car. I'd probably be inclined to park the Westfield in a different spot, but this would upset certain people who (due to work being a popularity contest) would probably convince a manager to make me move it.... At which point, sods law it'd get reversed into.


Also on my 15mile drive I always without fail encounter idiotic, aggressive or passive-aggressive driving. At least 3 counts this morning alone......

My barge has also had 3 new windscreens in 2 years, because of the way Worcestershire council "resurface" the major roads around here.


I might do it once, just because some of the guys at work want to see it, but it won't be repeated often.

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It's a noble idea, however in my experience people become complete (c u next tuesday)s when someone rolls up to work in a nice car.


I work at the sort of place where technical skills are played down as being "simple" and "brainless", by office bods who like to think they're a cut above. Most of these folks couldn't even change a flat, so a kitcar probably ranks up there as a major insult to their deluded sense of superiority.


My daily barge has already been hit 3 times on the works car park, purely because almost none of them are capable of reverse parking, so I can imagine what would happen if the idiots couldn't actually see the car. I'd probably be inclined to park the Westfield in a different spot, but this would upset certain people who (due to work being a popularity contest) would probably convince a manager to make me move it.... At which point, sods law it'd get reversed into.


Also on my 15mile drive I always without fail encounter idiotic, aggressive or passive-aggressive driving. At least 3 counts this morning alone......

My barge has also had 3 new windscreens in 2 years, because of the way Worcestershire council "resurface" the major roads around here.


I might do it once, just because some of the guys at work want to see it, but it won't be repeated often.

Sounds like you work in a Call Centre,   Don't let them grind you down, be an individual and drive your :westy: , at least on one occasion.

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We have jobs in Aberdeen, Inverness, Brighton, Suffolk, South Wales, at about 1mpg i think it may be too expensive for me to join in


Pfft try Australia !!! Wonder how many fuel stops for that.............gulp 

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