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idiot kids on track at brands...


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This is where the system is wrong in this country. A bell-end is seen by many as a "legend" for selfish and reckless behaviour and there are some threads on other sites where he is seen as a young kid just having fun, did not realise the danger etc etc. He knew full well what he was doing. 


If I was in auothurity I would make every effort to find a way to take his licence away and to lock him up. I would then make sure every insurance company knew what sort of a dimwit he was so he cannot get insurance without the cost of a third world country debt. Finally I would make sure every one who thinks he is something to look up at be made aware of the consequences of his actions.


Finally if I was Jonathan Palmer I would have my lawyers taking him to the cleaners for trespass, the cost of the race delay and anything else I could.


I despise these people with passion who think the world revolves around them. No doubt he will be lined up for Big Brother with White Dee that other loser who has become an icon for the stupid, feckless, workshy Jeremy Kyle watching scum we have to pay for.

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This is where the system is wrong in this country. A bell-end is seen by many as a "legend" for selfish and reckless behaviour and there are some threads on other sites where he is seen as a young kid just having fun, did not realise the danger etc etc. He knew full well what he was doing. 


If I was in auothurity I would make every effort to find a way to take his licence away and to lock him up. I would then make sure every insurance company knew what sort of a dimwit he was so he cannot get insurance without the cost of a third world country debt. Finally I would make sure every one who thinks he is something to look up at be made aware of the consequences of his actions.

Jeff, I have to agree with you.But don't think he was aware of how dangerous his actions could have been.

My eldest son works full time, has a nice flat, helped an old man who fell in the street & reconnected his colostomy bag.....but, still sees this guy as a legend.

WHY ? Hardly an irresponsible 21 year old.

He insists the driver was having a laugh,hurt nobody, and got himself on the net.

Maybe the internet has a lot to answer to?

These are our children ,so is it our fault ?

If it was your son, what would you do and don't say `my son wouldn't do it` ?

The majority of kids in this country have it too easy and I think are looking for extra `kicks`.

Seems YouTube has given them a short cut to notoriety?


I've had a few lads around this age working for me, some graduates and some less fortunates, but all do and say things that amaze me.

How different were we....so long ago now I can hardly remember?

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The circumstances of that foray onto track were different, but nevertheless it does ilustrate how something which was intended to be a bit of fun can have serious consequences for all those involved.




I work with the guy involved in this, and it still hanuts him to this day.


For the other guy as people have said its amazing how times change, and I am not that much older than this idiot

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I think the punishment should fit the crime.  Don't bother taking his license away or telling all the insurance companies, if you do he'll just drive without them anyway.  Don't bother with a fine, he'll find a way not to pay it.  If he has his own car (not his girlfriend's car as used here), make him give it up and be forced to watch it being totalled in a banger race.  Finally, force the idiot to be a race marshal at different tracks for four weekends so he realises what goes into it and understand how his stunt affected others.

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In the Fun cup 30 ins lost in track time for all drivers is BIG BIG BUCKs so he should at least pay them for ;pst track time

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I was not having a pop at your son, however I remember being young but like Terry I was too busy being married buying a house etc to risk doing something like this that would have cost me everything I had and held dear. I had fun but this was just stupid, not funny.


Yes the internet has a lot to answer for where for entertainment we see people do stupid things and others think that this is a good thing, But to me the big problem is punishment is not seen as a deterrant to anything, this kid is seen as a hero but what message would it send out if he was jailed for 5 or 6 years? Would other emulate him if they saw the risk? No one was hurt but that was not down to him, had he have pulled out and been hit by a racer would he and others find it funny?


The vast majority of parents do a good job of bringing up their kids and many of those who go off the rails it is not the parents fault. It is the feeling that the only person who matters is the individual and that to be feckless and stupid is somehow something to celebrate and reward.


Fortunately we still have a lot of good people of all ages who are appalled by acts like this.


If it was my daughter, I would be shocked and ashamed, as it is she has just qualified as a Doctor, so will be spending her time stiching up people who have hurt others or themselves, so I suspect I will never have to face that question.

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In the Fun cup 30 ins lost in track time for all drivers is BIG BIG BUCKs so he should at least pay them for ;pst track time


Didn't they restart the race afterwards?

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And lets not forget if he had "no idea", the reaction of the girl in the seat next to him should have told him every thing he needs to know; just how terrifed, how hysterical does she have to be before the ****wit decides he's gone too far?

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You are so right Jeff, punishment is just not seen as a deterrent.

Let's nail him to a tree and let he has not sinned throw the first stone.

Like most things in this country, the minority spoil it for the majority, but the likes of us guys will never change anything.

I reckon he'll get a fine and maybe community service.

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Here's an idea. Find out what the little ****** likes doing 






Anything he really enjoys ........... Then just invade the pitch or the court etc at a critical part of the game .......maybe post it on Youtube and you will be famous.......its just a bit of fun after all

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Here's an idea. Find out what the little ****** likes doing 






Anything he really enjoys ........... Then just invade the pitch or the court etc at a critical part of the game .......maybe post it on Youtube and you will be famous.......its just a bit of fun after all

We'd probably get locked up by the courts....as being older...we should know better and set an example.

This is England we're talking about.

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better zan standing againzt ze wall :d ( did I just say that out loud ???? :blush: im allowed, as Im married to a german, and live in germany :laugh:)

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So at what age do you legally become an adult so we are all treated the same?



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You are so right Jeff, punishment is just not seen as a deterrent.

Let's nail him to a tree and let he has not sinned throw the first stone.

Like most things in this country, the minority spoil it for the majority, but the likes of us guys will never change anything.

I reckon he'll get a fine and maybe community service.


I do not want him nailed to a tree, but just this week we read of the girl who did not attend probation as she was getting a boob job done. She has previous convictions for assault and has refused to do community service as picking up rubbish is a waste of her time. She also refused to wear a tag as she is a model and that would not be good for her. I would drag her to jail and keep her there until she understood crime and the punishment for it is not optional. And yet she has not been dealt with for refusal why? Punishment needs to be fair to the victims of crime not to the offenders.


If we all reacted to crime as we should and loutish behaviour then those in charge would take action. When I was in my 20's I had lots of mates who were fined for Drunk and Disorderly conduct, now we offer a ride home in a police car or on street centres for them to dry out. They obviously have the cash to get hammered so why not on the spot fines and community service clearing up the urine stained streets they cause.


As I said the majority of people are good however when people see others getting away with wrongdoing it is easy to see why people become the same.

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Jeff.....the likes of us will never change anything whilst we have a hole in our A***.

This country is to full of do gooders. But we all already know that. If a girl doesn't want to wear a tag, who will make her ?

What about the metal studs next to a doorway, put in to stop scum bags peeing and sleeping there ? Had to be taken out.


Think we're all doomed.......think I'll go and polish my Porsche before it's dark....not much fun, but legal and hurting nobody !

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