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idiot kids on track at brands...


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I asked my 21 year old son for his view of this guy.

He reckons the guy IS a legend !

Also said `you would have done it dad, back in the day `.......would I ? Well probably ,if I thought I could get away with it.

The problem is at that age, with a chick on your arm and a mad mate in the back, you do stupid things.

I don't think the driver had any clue of how STUPID he was behaving.

The angriest people will be the girls parents (from experience) and unless the driver gets a custodial sentence (unlikely) he'll get free beer and sex on this for years.

I think what he done was irresponsible, selfish and bl**** dangerous, but I am old, boring and have three kids.

Sorry to other members....but he's young and having a hoot....no harm done.

Thank God.

A woman was killed by a falling branch at Kew Gardens and kids get shot every day.

Let's hope lessons are learned !

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i dont know mate- Im not THAT old (32 although at times feels like 42) that I have forgotten what cheeky and naughty is.... I at that age, was a cheeky little b*******, and I would have most likely been jumping over fences to avoid paying entrance fees etc- but would have never got it into my head to slip onto a track with my car, during a race event!!!! The problem is though; at that age, you have no idea of what consequences your actions may have..... he probably loves motorsport, and fancied "joining in for a laugh"--- it will probably lead to more man power at events, more patrolling/litigation meaning more costs- which ultimately could lead to less drivers paying the higher costs, and less track days... its a lose-lose situation... nobody did get hurt, but imagine the law suit if something had happened.... the track would have been up a creek without a paddle for "allowing" him on the track in the first place!  

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I'm getting on a bit now but would never have dared do that.


I asked my 21 year old son for his view of this guy.
He reckons the guy IS a legend !


Just shows how times have changed  :bangshead:

(no criticism of your son intended Graham)

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Sorry, but at 21 I was married, played rugby, had a few too many sometimes but I watched and respected motorsport. This idiot knew what he was doing and basically said "sod it" to the rest of us! If we all just said we will do stupid things, such as speeding when we felt like it, running round the track during the olympics, riding your bike in the Tour de France, landing your light aeroplane on Heathrow main runway etc etc should we just say its a bit of fun and was just being stupid!!

Motor racing is dangerous enough without numptie's like this guy. I wonder what he will say to the Magistrates or Judge........

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As Martin says 'times have changed'.

At 21 I was drinking,partying,speeding (and getting caught),chasing crumpet trying to pay my rent and holidaying in Ibiza.

I thought George Best was a legend, turns out he was a womanizing alcoholic.

That was 34 years ago.....'how things have changed'

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One of my mates was racing in the fun cup when it happened - "Yep.  Our race.  We came 3rd. And this #*&% nearly ruined it.  We lost 30 mins of our 4 hr race and sustained damage in the farcical 10 min restarted race that was also red flagged after a series of accidents in the first 2 laps…  But we got third, which was where we were when the #*&% drove onto the track.

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Graham ha solved this at minimal cost to the tax pay. Lock said muppet in a cell, let the girls Dad in for a 'chat'. Send him on his way.

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Graham ha solved this at minimal cost to the tax pay. Lock said muppet in a cell, let the girls Dad in for a 'chat'. Send him on his way.

Trust me.....it would work !

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Maybe some clauses on the entrance tickets

Unauthorized use of motor vehicle on track vehicle will be sized and £5000 fine

I know it's not going to stop everyone but your setting out the rules before the next time

My mate races ovel and he'd have taken that car out for you no problem just for fun ;)

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so is he the modern day equivalent of Erica Roe























A huge Tit :laugh:

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I doubt it's the first time, just the first time where modern tech captures everything and places it online for the viewing masses within minutes.


Many kids of that age make stupid mistakes like this every day.  e.g Get in a car a drink drive and you are just as stupid and reckless imo. 

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I don't recall the precise details, but back in around 2000, someone did make it on to a track for a joy ride, (sorry don't remember if there was an event on or not). In that instance, at least the driver had been drinking. He lost control, crashed heavily and there was at least one fatality amongst the passengers.

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I doubt it's the first time, just the first time where modern tech captures everything and places it online for the viewing masses within minutes.


Many kids of that age make stupid mistakes like this every day.  e.g Get in a car a drink drive and you are just as stupid and reckless imo.

Unfortunately you are so right mate !!!!!

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I don't recall the precise details, but back in around 2000, someone did make it on to a track for a joy ride, (sorry don't remember if there was an event on or not). In that instance, at least the driver had been drinking. He lost control, crashed heavily and there was at least one fatality amongst the passengers.

The circumstances of that foray onto track were different, but nevertheless it does ilustrate how something which was intended to be a bit of fun can have serious consequences for all those involved.



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