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idiot kids on track at brands...


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yeah i completely agree that he should be made to suffer and i hope that he does. just sometimes what is obviously wrong can soon be twisted and passed through loopholes that chuff all happens

I'm hoping and would expect Jonathan Parmer to have a pretty good legal team :)
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Disgusted at the lack of security at Brands Hatch!

Endangering life, trespass those are two things I'd push for if I were Brands.

I feel for the teams who worked hard, paid harder only for this muppet to mess up their race. They must have some legal standing against him too?

Scarily he must also drive on the road!

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maybe thats the way peet, the teams go after him for some sort of damages...... i did find the lack of people blocking access to the track, i have zero knowledge of these things but would have expected access to the pit lane to be either though a garage or though a marshalled gate. ?

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The gate that leads to the tunnel at Brands is normally marshalled.

To get access to the tunnel would first require gaining access to the outer paddock which for vehicles is normally only possible by having a competitors ticket. These tickets are issued to the entrant together with some spares for their team/family and this same ticket would then allow them access to the inner paddock.

At Brands there's a lot of vehicle movement behind the garages by support vehicles and non-race cars but common sense has always dictated that you don't drive through a garage onto the track :bangshead: the problem as I see it is that you can't have security at the end of a pit lane to jump out in front of a car to stop it from entering the circuit, with it being a live pitlane in an endurance race it's dangerous for anyone to be stood there with race cars entering and leaving for pit stops.

If this idiot was holding a competitors/support ticket that granted him access to the pit lane then there could be ramifications by the MSA against the competitor that passed the ticket to him.

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Mark has outlined the problem which exists at all tracks. Once you have got a vehicle into the paddock generally there is nothing stopping you getting on track as the competition cars need free access. It's always been self policed by people not being idiots. I really do dread to think of what is going got have to be put in place to stop this ever happening again. It's just going to add so much hassle and expense through the actions of one idiot.


I am running Blyton in a few weeks and am already thinking that the paddock will have to be closed off once the event starts. But that will mean an extra person to man the gate and passes to go in and out. Any volunteers for 12th & 13th July ?

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I hope the Police and CPS take the all the way! I hope the Sheriff (whatever the English equivelent is) has an appreciation for the dangers associated with motorsports and understands that, whilst this numpty believes that you 'only live once' that the others that were legitmately on the track wish to live a little longer than this f***wit!  


Finally, I hope his mates and girlfriend see him for the absolute nunney that he is and either dump him and/or knock ten bells out of him .. rant over!

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They must find a way of throwing the book at him for that

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I am so so angry at what this pillock did!

I can't even say what I might have done to him

He clearly knew what he was doing and he should suffer the full consequences. What happened when he pulled off the circuit?

Shame they did not just let him into a couple of garages in the pits and shut the doors whilst a couple of teams explained the errors of his ways

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hes the sort of person to get on the track, cause a crash, and then turn around and say " ive got no insurance, and got no money"...... what a n.jockey

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Just typical attitude of a lot of youth today.......wonder what Mum & Dad think of his stupidity..........they might sell his BMW and private plate !!! What an absolute waist of skin and bone.

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He was lucky in the respect it was only Beetles racing imagine if it was single seaters or a pack of mighty crossflow powered Westys...!

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Pity it wasn't truck racing .............................

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It was probably police bail, i.e. no money. :(


His friend egging him on in the back should be charged as well.  I feel sorry for the poor girl as well - just hope she drops her complete idiot of a boyfriend like a hot brick.


As has been mentioned, I fear this will have some fairly wide-reaching motorsport implications, and that many will suffer due to the actions of one rotten, thoughtless individual.


Very glad that no one was injured - could have been so much worse.

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