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idiot kids on track at brands...


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has anyone heard about the kids who got out on track during a car race at the weekend at brands.... if ever there was a good reason for removing people from the gene pool this would be it... 




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Ouch.  Having been to a track day there then an organised race meet soon after I was thrilled (and surprised) at how open everything was.


Great for real fans and hopefully they'll be able to put in controls to keep the idiots out without affecting everyone...

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:swear: :swear: :swear: shocking, I expect they'll get away with a slap on the wrists

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Sadly they will probably be seen as frustrated motorsport enthusiasts, given a free set of track days with instructors to encourage them not break the laws again and deny the opportunity to normal kids who dont break the rules and would love to drive on the track?

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I would expect (and hope) Brands to press trespass and endangering safety charges if there are legal means for them to do so, otherwise they risk either setting a precedent for others to do the same, or having to put more security measures in place for track days - which will be a major inconvenience for all UK tracks and drivers.


One local news report said the police are reviewing the footage, but as its on private land, there maybe nothing the CPS can do without BH management pushing it.

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Even on private land they could be prosecuted for endangering peoples lives I would have thought. I would love to see the driver being thrown in jail for a while to be honest. He clearly intended to go on the track and we have the evidence of him saying so. He could have caused a major accident and killed himself and passengers, it was only the other drivers avoiding him that stopped it from happening.

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The real problem is this will mean the MSA will have to bring in loads of legislation to ensure it doesn't happen again, which is likely to be more cost and hassle for organisers. It's not as if it was a genuine mistake. The idiot did it for fun. It's a shame he didn't do it in a banger racing event  :d  :d  :d

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i worry for us all because of the copy cats that are calling him a legend.....


at least i know my fellow drivers know how to drive....

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arrested for false imprisonment. im guessing for not letting his girlfriend out as she screamed to be let out the car. that wont get very far im sure

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Nothing will actually happen to this muppet but hopefully being arrested will snap him back to reality.

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Nothing will actually happen to this muppet but hopefully being arrested will snap him back to reality.

no it will only give him more bragging rights when he gets off  :bangshead:

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arrested for false imprisonment. im guessing for not letting his girlfriend out as she screamed to be let out the car. that wont get very far im sure

i'm sure in time they'll find plenty more things to charge him for but for the time being I guess that would be sufficient grounds for them to make an arrest and bring him in for questioning.

Personally I hope they make an example of the guy. The level of stupidity he exhibited and the disregard for other peoples safety (his passengers and the racers) is beyond belief.

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i'm sure in time they'll find plenty more things to charge him for but for the time being I guess that would be sufficient grounds for them to make an arrest and bring him in for questioning.

Personally I hope they make an example of the guy. The level of stupidity he exhibited and the disregard for other peoples safety (his passengers and the racers) is beyond belief.

yeah i completely agree that he should be made to suffer and i hope that he does. just sometimes what is obviously wrong can soon be twisted and passed through loopholes that chuff all happens 

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