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Euro Elections

jeff oakley

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All I can say is that to be a supporter of this countries immigration laws you must either deal drugs, guns or woman, or run a gang of winkle pickers. Or do you rent abandoned squats to the Romanians?

bl**** foreigners ain't good for nothing else...

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Darrell you've got to go back mate....sorry.....

Oh no, just realised....you're in Cornwall.....that doesn't count as it's like a country in it's own right.

I sent my N Irish wife back Monday evening , but she turned up back on my door around midnight last night.

The reason......so she could vote UKIP today....hoping they'll send all the immigrants home.

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This is starting to sound a little too 'BNP' for my liking. Do you honestly want to send all the foreigners home? Or just some of them? What about Brits with parents that weren't born here?

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Have to agree with Matt.

So let's just keep this green and pleasant land for the English,Irish,Welsh and those from Scotland.

And if you're from Cornwall........we'll give it some thought !

This posting is on 'stuff and nonsense'......that's what it is.......FUN for short.

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Just for the record and for those who don't know, the Chairman of the WSCC is a foreigner - luckily enough, one with a fairly thick skin.


I really don't mind lambasting politicians when they deserve it, which is fairly often, as they get paid to be one and really only have themselves to blame.


However, I'm not at all enamoured with foreigner bashing on the forums, especially considering about 4% of our club membership are not British or UK-based.


Kindly save your vitriol for the politicians.  Denigrating people because of their nationality, creed, colour, religion or gender is not what we do here, and I'm already tired of the emails I'm getting complaining about some of the perceived xenophobia in this thread.


People all over the world are generally good and want the same things you and I want - health, safety, security and comfort.  What makes people bad is not the country in which they were born, it's the system in which they have to survive.


Scolding over, and let's get back to "the friendly club" please - thanks. :)

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So next week what will be the outcome?I predict that UKIP will get a huge amount of votes which will shock the main parties into facing up to the lack of faith in the way Europe is going.The net result will be that immigration will become a major battlefield for next years general election with promises to wrestle back power from the EU.Any views?

See what you've started Jeff ?

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This is starting to sound a little too 'BNP' for my liking. Do you honestly want to send all the foreigners home? Or just some of them? What about Brits with parents that weren't born here?


My thoughts exactly, can't tell if it's tongue-in-cheek pishtaking or whether people still genuinely think like that after the 1970s.

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This is all a bit tongue in cheek....

If I posted how I really felt , I think I would get shot by some members and given a medal by Darrell. LOL

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Scott, Kit car drivers are exempt... Honestly, it is all a bit tongue and cheek, but I have my views and I'm not intelligent enough it express them is a politically correct way.

After all, this is a democratic society and exactly what the election is about. Far too many people have made too great a sacrifice for us not to have that right and our own views..

Have to agree with graham here, I'm keeping my true feelings under wraps and trying to keep it light hearted.

Sorry if I offend anyone, I've tried to express everything that I've said as my opinion and in a light hearted way.

Don't get me started on the BNP, the pencil nearly wavered in that direction whilst voting. ;-)

Can we have a thread on religion next?

I'll get my coat...

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UKIP are not trying to stop immigration, they're trying to control it, so anyone with skills which are valuable to our country can live here regardless of whether their country is part of the european union or not. Why should someone who lives in part of the european union be given preferential treatment to a person resident of any other country? Lets improve the education and skill base and most importantly the attitude of our future workers, and tighten benefits for people who do not want to work so this country does not need to seek as many workers from outside the UK.

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Results started to come in on the councils. In Rotherham out of 21 council seats 10 now UKIP. Does this make all these voters in Rotherham racist?

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Perhaps it does Jeff.


Thankfully UKIP didnt get any seats here. All that changed was labour losing one to the Conservatives.

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For me

voting UKIP was more about having a protest at all the EU crap and regulations that are coming out ( and our govt choose to enforce all)

My vote had little to do with immigration and nothing to do with racism.

I just want to see the NHS protected more with compulsory health insurance for foreign workers until they have been here and paid in for a few years

  and ' James Turner St' made to do the jobs all the EU immigrants are doing rather than sat on their arses, smoking, watching their widescreens with a tinny in hand 

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Perhaps it does Jeff.


Thankfully UKIP didnt get any seats here. All that changed was labour losing one to the Conservatives.

I don't think they are Matt, I think they are fed up with being treated with contempt by Brusslles and our own political elite.

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Had a trip to A&E yesterday and the experiences and opinions of the ambulance crew were....interesting. I was treated to a range of stories about some of their 'regulars'. They voted UKIP for sure. Whilst patiently (well, I was a patient after all) waiting for the staff to deal with more important matters and get to me, it struck me that the most er, vociferous complainants were from those who didn't speak English very well, if at all. Maybe that just reflected the time of day I was there or just random chance or simply cultural differences. Who knows, but the 87 year old chap in the next bay who had just suffered a heart attack wasn't moaning despite being in a good deal of pain.


I've said it before, I have no problem with a person from anywhere who wants to come here and contribute. I do have a problem with anyone from anywhere (including indigenous British) who does nothing but sponge, and I also have a problem with meddling foreign governments and incompetent and self serving local ones who are responsible for creating the framework that positively encourages fecklessness. Not keen on the notion that a lot of the folk who do end up here end up being exploited either.

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