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Euro Elections

jeff oakley

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I'd agree with the view that UKIP are getting a lot of attention even compared to last time. I doubt most people actually care though.

On a related note I thought Ed Milliband took a bit of a beating today. Undeservedly so the second time (poss the first also but I can't remember what happened). Would I really have expected him to know the Labour leader at Swindon borough council? Seems about as likely as my CEO knowing my (or any other mid-level employees) name. Shame he tried to try and blag it. Badly.

I heard that one too, Matt.  Car crash radio.  Clearly he had had no briefing at all as to who was who on Swindon Council, and this just made me think he didn't care who was.  I understand Swindon is a Labour target this time around, but this will not have helped one bit.

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Personally I'm simply fed up with this country being influenced and ruled by Europe.

Im fed up with the immigrants taking local work, working for a pittance and sending the rest of the money home.

I'm fed up with the thieving element of the immigrants that are swamping the local communities.

Just like farage says, i would be worried if 12 Romanians (or whoever) moved next door

I'm fed up with the bl**** foreigners thinking they are above the law.

If that makes me racist, so be it. I want a better place for children to grow up in

Ukip will get my vote and I hope they send shock waves through the main parties...

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Personally I'm simply fed up with this country being influenced and ruled by Europe.

Im fed up with the immigrants taking local work, working for a pittance and sending the rest of the money home.

I'm fed up with the thieving element of the immigrants that are swamping the local communities.

Just like farage says, i would be worried if 12 Romanians (or whoever) moved next door

I'm fed up with the bl**dy foreigners thinking they are above the law.

If that makes me racist, so be it. I want a better place for children to grow up in

Ukip will get my vote and I hope they send shock waves through the main parties...


Keep Cornwall Cornish and England English.

If the Scots want Scotland let 'em have it.

My grandfather was in the trenches in WW1, fighting for England ,yes England......his words.

Our elected politicians are giving it away......

Ukip will get my vote as well.

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Immigration is what has made this country Great Britain. If it isn't the greatest irony that UKIP is led by someone with a 'foreign' surname that is married to (and employs) a German then I don't know what is. The foreigner is an easy target for the problems in society.

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Immigrants are just a part of the problem... But chucking them out and stopping more would be a great start :-)

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Darrell, your surname sounds Irish, why don't you go back home too? We are all a mongrel breed of vikings, Danes, Germanic tribes, Normans, Romans, Saxons ... Britain is built on immigration


Or is an arbitrary point in time selected by Farrage (I'm estimating somewhere towards the late 1980s by his rhetoric?) the be-all-and-end-all of immigration policy?


I call BS on this immigration malarkey being whipped up at the moment.

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Immigrants are just a part of the problem... But chucking them out and stopping more would be a great start :-)


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Darrell, your surname sounds Irish, why don't you go back home too?

No actually, part of the family originates from NI which, the last time I looked, was in the uk. Making me British ;-)

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Keep the good immigrants, chuck out the thieving and freeloading ones, I say.

It won't leave many left... ;-)

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Keep the good immigrants, chuck out the thieving and freeloading ones, I say.

It won't leave many left... ;-)

Do you have evidence to support that?

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No evidence, just experience... ;-)

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Darrell, your surname sounds Irish, why don't you go back home too? We are all a mongrel breed of vikings, Danes, Germanic tribes, Normans, Romans, Saxons ... Britain is built on immigration


Britain has been built on greatness.......hence GREAT BRITAIN.

I ,however, am no mongrel......

I'm English......

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I call shenanigans on any Englishman calling themselves English because of the chequered history of our land. We'd better have all the Americans and Australians back too. Maybe they can live in the spare houses the immigrants will vacate?




Keep Cornwall Cornish and England English.


...part of the family originates from NI which, the last time I looked, was in the uk. Making me British ;-)


Sorry Darrell, Graham says you have to go mate. Time to hop on that ferry back to NI 

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Are you still here? Farrage's black bag men are probably on their way to take you to a 'resettlement camp' as I type. Your Westfield will, of course, be handed over to a proper Englishman with a real Anglo-Saxon name... like err Farrage.

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