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Euro Elections

jeff oakley

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There are Indeed superb roads in wales in several ways however my comments were about the s.Wales valleys and are unfortunately accurate, yours sound similar.

I will also add that the new bike park in Merthyr has been rated as superb by everyone I know that's visited.

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All UK roads have suffered after the cold 2012 winter and the wet 2013 one.


I know the UK pays in a lot more than we take out ... just like the tax system: Those who can afford a Westfield generally pay a lot more into the tax system than we take out. I haven't googled the figures but I wonder how much Wales takes out compared to how much Wales pays in? We qualify for a lot of funding due to being a ... umm ... a right 'hole.


My original point was regarding the A477 upgrades to give the Irish ferry ports better access to the M4 and open up trade routes, the A465 upgrades to widen it and give better access to Birmingham/ Manchester and beyond. Removing the bottlenecks at the top of the A470. Loads of money being spent in Wales but the potholes at the end of my road haven't been filled in yet.

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Indeed. I to will let my paper share my vote, but will also not be making a 'protest-vote'.


Farrage scares me, it worries me about the intelligence of Britain that there seems to be a lot of people can't see through the thin veil of "I'm not a racist, but ..."


I can see what he's trying to get at but we only have hoards of nasty outsiders coming taking our jobs because there are so many job vacancies in Britain - at the same time as we have huge unemployment. Why aren't we already doing these jobs? It's the British that caused the problem, not the Europeans

Regarding immigration,  there is a lot of "mis-information" put about by the likes of Farage etc.

I remember some years ago, a client of mine who ran a small fleet of long distance (ie continental) lorries. He couldn't get British drivers to do the job because they didn't like the admittedly unsocial very long distance travel, being away from home for weeks on end. So he started employing Polish drivers. He paid them the (British) going rate, and they were very happy and very reliable. So who is losing out there?It was clearly good for the Polish drivers who earned much more than they then could back home, but it was also good for my client because he got the jobs done efficiently and profitably. It was also good for the British economy because the drivers were paying UK tax and NI, and it was a British company (paying its taxes here) who was earning to move goods around in and out of the continent, rather than a continental company.

My uncle's says its the same, he is in warehousing with some distribution on the side, employing a mix of english/british and polish/lithuatian, paying the same to all. And says while they all sound blokes, and he doesn't necessarily see either way as being prefect;

- The Brits turn up on the dot, have a brew, a chat, check there phone, start at half past.

- The Poles turn up 15 minutes early, and jump straight to the job of stack truck driving.

- The Brits then stop ten minutes before lunch, go to the car, have a fag, brew, chat, etc.

- The Poles have there lunch with them, work ten minutes into the break, eat for 10, and back to it.

Home goal to the foot there I think!

I'd be happy if it were done the way the ancient Greeks did it - like jury duty.  Letter drops on your doormat, hey presto, you're a MP for a year, just long enough to do something without really getting to grips with becoming corrupt.

Only issue with this, who makes and caries out long term polices? Road systems, rail improvements, legal/social changes, etc.


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Sorry to disagree Dibby, but according to the Express and the Gaurdian the cost per day that the EU gets from the UK is £53 million pounds. These figures come from the goverment office of statistics so not UKIP.

This is £19.7 billion per year, whicheven if these are 50% wrong it is still a huge amount.


As others have said, the Common market is what we signed up for not the United States of Europe that is where we are heading. As for bail outs, if the UK ever needs bailing out the EU is stuffed.

This puts things into perspective. Quite frightening really, especially when you look at what we are tipping into the bottomless pit that is Greece.



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The EU was a good idea, but we should never have let politicians run it, especially failed ones.

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What is very scary is what is happening in the media. Peter Hitchins wrote in his column that we are witnessing one of the biggest media campaigns against a political party for some time. In every paper radio and TV we are seeing anti UKIP news, from Nazi tattooed candiates to Farage having a German wife who is not allowed to speak German outdoors.

Whilst not a fan of UKIP the way they are being hounded shows how the political elite fear the public vote. There is so much talk of UKIP up and down the land as Farage has captured the fears of a lot of people and the press by doing what they are doing is actually making people want to vote for them more, not less.

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What is very scary is what is happening in the media. Peter Hitchins wrote in his column that we are witnessing one of the biggest media campaigns against a political party for some time. In every paper radio and TV we are seeing anti UKIP news, from Nazi tattooed candiates to Farage having a German wife who is not allowed to speak German outdoors.

Whilst not a fan of UKIP the way they are being hounded shows how the political elite fear the public vote. There is so much talk of UKIP up and down the land as Farage has captured the fears of a lot of people and the press by doing what they are doing is actually making people want to vote for them more, not less.

fully agree,, i pointed out the smear campaign some time back to work colleagues and several have since commented that they are shocked by how obvious it has become .

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It is bad, and has you say, out of fear.

- Fear from other politicians that they might loose seats from them.

- Fear from a lot of the general public that they might get in to.

The issue is, I fear, it might actually increase the votes to UKIP.

My girlfriend is pretty open minded, while full willing to say what she thinks, and decided a few months ago to go along to a UKIP meeting to see what it was like from the inside. Sadly I cant recall the details, but some of the comments she was quoting, it was quite clear that Farage's views and national policy aside, it had collected a fair gathering of folk!


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There wouldn't be such an easy smear campaign if they didn't go around doing things like this:



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Problem these days seems to be this behaviour is seen as normal. And acceptable!

The electorate in this country are looking for normal and acceptable MPs !!

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It is a bad picture for a candidate, however we do not know what brought it on, this picture could have come from anyone. Remember when Prescott chinned the egg thrower, his popularity went up as the common man could relate to him. The bigger crime in that picture is the clothes she is wearing.

But all joking aside, they are an easy target. Anyone who knows anything about the selection and grooming of candidates for the big three parties. will tell you that they are trained relentlessly in how to handle the press, UKIP and the smaller parties cannot afford that.

It is funny as someone else said the actions of the press is actually driving people to UKIP, not away.

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I'd agree with the view that UKIP are getting a lot of attention even compared to last time. I doubt most people actually care though.

On a related note I thought Ed Milliband took a bit of a beating today. Undeservedly so the second time (poss the first also but I can't remember what happened). Would I really have expected him to know the Labour leader at Swindon borough council? Seems about as likely as my CEO knowing my (or any other mid-level employees) name. Shame he tried to try and blag it. Badly.

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There wouldn't be such an easy smear campaign if they didn't go around doing things like this:



Just had another look at this & I have to say that her dress sense and colour co-ordination gives me more concern than the 'finger'.

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If there is a Party that outlaws unsolicited phone calls and door knockers, I would vote for them.

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