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Is there a dignified way to get out of a Westie?


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For the first time I checked what my seating position would be and if I would have a good reach to pedals, shifter, steering wheel and dash-switches. Once in position I realized that there was no way for me to easily get out of the car. I have fairly short legs so seat is quite far forward so there is no way I can get my feet under me and stand up. I'm also anything but limber so it took quite a bit of twisting and turning before I finally managed to get out in a less than dignified manner.


I have been dead set against a full cage but now I'm starting to think it might be a good idea, one of them with curved upper braces so they are open to the side when standing up, so that I can reach up and lift myself up :)


Is there a trick I should know about?

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I put my hands on the tunnel and side slide up until my feet are on the chassis bar then I can use my feet to stand up and get out. It looks like you are climbing out like a race car and is about as dignified as I can manage.


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A cheaper alternative might be a removable wheel.  I take off my wheel, lift up with my hands on the tunnel and cockpit side.  I can then get my feet onto the seat and stand up.  Like you I am short in the legs which makes the manoeuvre possible.

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Standing up from the chassis bar doesn't seem possible. I would need to move my centre of gravity to above my feet and the steering hub and dash would get in the way as the bar is almost under the dash. I also have the lowered floor making it even harder as the floor slopes down behind the bar.


I have a removable wheel. I would not even consider trying this without :) I though about trying to get my feet on the seat but I don't think I'm limber enough to do that (read I'm to fat). The seat is not bolted down yet so I didn't give it a proper try.


For now I think I will go with the "no".


As long as it is possible at all I guess I can live with it. If one was a lot younger it could perhaps be done fast enough to make it look natural... Alas time only moves in one direction.

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My chassis member is nearly under the seat so a no-no for me too.  If you get the seat fixed it may prove to be possible.

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Take a yoga class !

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Are you portly? I'm a complete short A***, well built but flexible. Have no problems. Even though I'm only 5'3" I only slide the seat forward 2 notches on the runners.

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The thing with the chassis rail, isn't quite so much about getting it underneath you, it's more a case of bracing your feet against it and pushing backwards, (and up if you can, but not critical).


You use on hand on the centre tunnel straight down from your shoulder, and the other on the side of the tub, again, directly under your shoulder. The key is in one smooth, coordinated movement, to push yourself backwards with your legs and push down with your hands, this levers your body up and out of the seat, as long as you do it in one continuous movement you should still have the momentum to start bringing one foot further back onto the seat to push you the rest of the way up, or grab the roll bar behind you with your left hand and pull yourself up the rest of the way. 


It's genuinely harder to describe than do!


The one thing you mustn't do, (if you have one) is grab the windscreen to pull yourself the rest of the way. (Warn passengers too). More than one owner has cracked a screen by forgetting, or not warning passengers.


With a roof, it becomes a whole new game. You could probably sell tickets.

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I'm considering fitting detachable legs.


I hear Smokey simply uses the Force and floats out of his car.

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My wife keeps using my wind deflectors :(

3 sets so far - and its always my fault

Regarding shorties , myself included , why not just push the seat right back on its runners when you want to get out - makes in and out easier - then slide back into position once your back in

Ime ordering baulk deflectors this year as ive just fitted grp seats

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I use the same method as Paul (Meakin), hands on side and tunnel & push. I'm 5' 10" but a lardy 18 + stone and my pals said I would never fit in a Westie, let alone get out of one. I prove them wrong with (even if I say it myself) some style !!


I did, however, make the decision to never try to get in with the roof on - that would be a physical impossibility for me - and definitely not dignified.

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I remember 007 having an ingenious solution

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