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westfield factory- get it together!

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Murray Mint everything is for sale at the right price mate  :)

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I ordered some Nitrons last week and was given the option of paying in full or just a deposit, I chose to pay in full my choice

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Timmeh are you ordering from UK or abroad?  


When i work in Hungary or Romania I get paid a month in advance before arrange travel and haulage - i think its quite common.

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If they are keeping an eye on this thread, I'll chime in with another complaint about parts. Something has happened and what used to be a quick, efficient department is now far from it.


I've been waiting for a radiator since Christmas, March came and went and there was still no sign of a rad. Every week I rang I was told it was a Westfield part and I couldn't get them from anywhere else ... so I waited ... and waited ... and waited ... and the sun came out ... and my old rad was still leaking ...


Then I find out it's a radiator from a VW Polo and they are absolutely everywhere, at half the price that Westfield are selling them for. 


Keeping your customers hanging to make a quick buck off parts is really not on. Not happy with them at all.

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I ordered a windscreen & frame, they said I had to pay in full, and delivery would be 3 weeks. Nearly 5 weeks later I contacted them (took 3 days of phoning before they would answer the phone) to be told by a young woman who said she had only just started at the company ...,    It had not arrived from suppliers, didn't know when it would arrive, could not chase supplier, WF staff were off sick, Julian was away on holiday and, lastly, "things were chaotic here at Westfield" !!


I was not a happy bunny and reminded her that I had already paid for the goods. I expressed my displeasure (in a calm and polite way) but it seemed there was nothing to do but wait. Amazingly, about 20 minutes later, the young lady phoned to say, there had been a mistake and that my windscreen WAS in and would be dispatched that day.


As a new WF owner, I want to be able buy parts from the factory but these instances of delays are very worrying.

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There are a number of exclusively Westfield parts and a number than are not as Dibby has found.  For anyone that's desperate, get yourselves on here and we'll see if we can find an alternative supplier.

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Cheers Martin. Should have asked you guys months ago.


I ended up buying one off Amazon in the end, even with economy delivery it took 2 days to arrive, fitted and running the next day.

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In almost any supply business, there isn't one single reason why some customers are not getting some parts on time.  Some of these are in their control, and some aren't.


What's important is that that business is made aware there is a problem, the scale of the problem, and aware that customers talk to each other about their experiences, both good and bad - as is their right.


The business and their customers benefit if the business learns from the experience, and find ways to improve.


The members are never shy about coming forward with opinions about anything the Committee does - this is no different.


As long as a respectful (if understandably frustrated) tone is maintained and it doesn't descend into vitriol and potentially libellous statements, I believe the factory can learn from such feedback and improve.  Glad to see such a respectful tone being maintained in this thread so far, well done gents.


Of course, while they are not obliged to do so, the factory also have the right to reply as well if they feel so inclined.

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Ive just had an email stating that they've taken a quick release of a kit and will have it in the post today! So I guess lucky me, and not so lucky kit buyer ;-)

But in all honesty, if there was a kit lying there incomplete that would still need a while, they could have offered the alternative in the first place?

Im happy that things are moving; just wish that communication was better from the off-

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The company I work for is one of the largest parts supply companies in the country. We supply to motorfactors in the main and I have to say it is a problem keeping continued supply from even the biggest companies.

A lot are OE suppliers who make in batches but if there is a sudden up turn to the motor manufacturer on the production line they get first shout. We carry circa £50 million on the shelf at any time so we can overcome this problem without the trade knowing there is a shortage.

There are so many potential delays, anything made in China has a shipping delay and if you hit the Chinese new year wrong that can another reason and parts like the Maxi ball joint are not made in the quantities they used to be.

With specialist parts it is even worse as they are made in such small batches that again delays happen.

With Westfield, yes they are big by Kit car standards but small in most car respects so they could not hold the stock levels they would need to cover every thing. The OE cannot do that hence they have the VOR service to get things in.

As for pricing, as a club yes we all want to help members, but Westfield are a business, they need to make a profit and just because you can buy a polo rad cheap, is it the same as they supply. You would not believe how cheap I can buy them , but they are cheap for a reason. If you compare the price for a polo rad from VW the Westfield price will be reasonable.

From my view, I have never had any issue with the parts guy's and the service has been excellent over 14 years I have dealt with them with several builds.

I am not a supplier to Westfield but I have realistic expectations but if I have any issues with anything car on none car related, I find a phone call to a senior person, like Julian, works.

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I don't think for one minute that anyone on here is disputing the fact that the odd supplier might cause an end user provider some headaches. However, as you'll see from the majority of the posts, it's about the lack of communication about the delays and the need to constantly chase WF for update. I don't want to labour the point, but when I enquired about my last order and to its whereabouts, I was told by the very helpful young woman "Oh yeah, we've got them in stock!" I refrained from saying why the hell did they not send my order once stock was booked in?? As said, very helpful and items arrived a couple of days later. Good knows when I would've got them if I hadn't chased it up!

I want to make it clear - I'd love to support WF and buy as often as I can from them, but I'm not filled with much confidence and I find myself always trying elsewhere first.....:-(

PS - Is it right that customers have to call Julian every time there's an issue when I'm sure he expects his staff to be able to deal with them..?

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