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2014 WSCC/ Northampton Motorsport Speed Series Regs

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Enclosed is a copy of our Draft regulations for the Speed Series for 2014, they are away with the MSA for approval. Please send off entry forms to me or enter on-line in the store. Entries will be acknowledged and confirmed when we have MSA approval of the Regulations.



WSCC 2014 rev1 SPEED SERIES Champ Regs.pdf


nowt in the online store wuv


I need my green status again :)


nowt in the online store wuv


Patience, Prunella, I'm working on it.


Patience, Prunella, I'm working on it.

no worries wuv just pointing it out


OK, it's now online in the Store for purchase :t-up:






Yep, you're #1, ta wuv, your Trader status is due for renewal soon so I'll send you an invoice tomorrow :)


Ooooo yeah I'm green again


Can I have a super XXXL t-shirt please


Can I have a super XXXL t-shirt please

no probs wuv you can have mine




now im super slim bike engine weight :laugh:


Can you please advise when the target times will be released so an informed selection of which class to enter can be made?


Can you please advise when the target times will be released so an informed selection of which class to enter can be made?

ahhh the words of a pot hunter :laugh:  ;)


Its only what everyone is thinking but too shy to ask :p


Its only what everyone is thinking but too shy to ask :p

just enter a class and drive fast wuv simples

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