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a weekends observations


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i aint goin back now i have seen that wuv

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i aint goin back now i have seen that wuv

:d think yourself lucky, I grew up less than 5miles from there :oops:
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:d think yourself lucky, I grew up less than 5miles from there :oops:


Careful mark, I resisted the instant quip that came from that admission :d :D

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Careful mark, I resisted the instant quip that came from that admission :d :d


True.  Mark's never grown up.  :laugh:  ;)  :yes: 

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:d think yourself lucky, I grew up less than 5miles from there :oops:

that explains a few things then wuv :laugh:  ;)


i have never fealt so lucky to be alive after saturday knowing what i do now

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True.  Mark's never grown up.  :laugh:  ;)  :yes:

Oi, I resemble that remark :laugh:

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Can I just have my tuppence worth.  Round here the motorways are usually packed, with all 3 lanes doing the same speed, but occasionally it clears.  I tow a caravan, and the Westfield, and if you don't know its illegal to hog the middle lane, you don't know that if you're towing you can't use the 3rd lane, and they just will not get out of the way.  If I'm only doing 60, why the f** are they doing 50 in the middle of the road.


I came back from Swindon last weekend, and it started to rain.  So many cars braked and slowed down to 50, even in the 3rd lane.  Can't they afford windscreen wipers.  No wonder insurance is so expensive with these morons on the road

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M23 on way home t'other week in the distance were a family broke down in the middle lane people were just whizzing past.

I slowed over 2 lanes and luckily a few other cars joined me.. We all stopped and pushed them to the hard shoulder.

Twerps were still squeezin by on the hard shoulder and between my car and the armco and got empty road syndrome thinking they were drag racing!

Whats happened to decency?

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yeh a few months ago i was heading down the m1 there was a car stopped against the armco in the central reservation broken down with a bloke and two kids stood behind it , he didnt even have the brains to move his kids and himself infront of the car further down the road they just stood behind it waiting to get hit , no one was slowing down at all

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Steve aka New Cherry  :love: :love:, feel your pain mate, weekend motorists almost as bad as the daily rush hour mob only slower - looking at stuff the last thing they are doing is driving a deadly weapon.


Won't be too long till I'm not involved in the daily commute bit anymore can't wait and also can't decide. :(


Glad to see you made it back though.


Bob :d

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"the new thing about stamping out lane hogging on the motorway has not changed anything the motorways are still full of eediots just sat there oblivious to everything around them


going down the m6 yesterday morning 2am im driving bev sat in passenger seat of the van , im in the inside lane sat at 70 ish its raining/drizzle i come up to a car just sat in the middle lane (nothing around for miles ) so i indicate and move into the outside lane im about 30 ft from it and it vears into my lane so i have to stand on the brakes and hit the main beam and horn ,the muppet then yanks the steering wheel to the left and shoots into the inside lane nearly out of control ,i carry on having nearly filled my pants about 20 miles or so later i stop to fill with fuel and decide to carry on driving for another 40 mins or so before letting bev drive ,i get back on the motorway and about 5 miles further on come up behind the eeeediot again still sat in the middle lane with nowt around him



today been down to swindon to drop a car off with the trailer and again the driving standards are terrible , old folk just crawling along on the motorway some just sat in the  middle lane in there soft roaders and larger 4x4 's that are clealry to big for the dodering 90 year old bags of skin that shouldnt be on the road let alone a motorway there just mobile accidents waiting to happen


came up behind a car in the middle lane on the way back mway is busy ish and its throwing it down and the big fat bag of wind in the car is sat doint 60 ish in the middle lane and keeps dabbing the brakes i cant get past as im towing so just sit behind her in the iside lane watching her dabbing the brakes for miles in the middle lane  ,she then decides to pull over at the the moment the inside lane is at its busyest point ,so i pull out and i go past her and the big fat bag of wind waster is sat on the phone with it pinned to her ear the stupid chuffin woman


all the way there and back yesterday and today were cars just sat in the outside lane and middle lane leaving the inside mainly empty ,we need mway gun patrols to shoot numptys"


I recommend for your blood pressure's sake that you not try driving in California. The States make their own driving laws here and they are nearly identical... but not always. In Cali, there is no Drive-Right-Pass-Left as in the other States. It's common to see lines of cars all following a slow driver in the left lane, with the occasional right-side passer. Also, you see mile-long strings of cars in the left lane all passing the occasional truck (trucks usually have a lower speed limit here).


And it's perfectly legal to talk on your cellphone while driving here; you're just not allowed to hold it in your hand.


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I do around 40k per year for work and I see everything you have listed. However, some motorways are worse than others at differing times. M5 weekends and during the summer when the holiday drivers are out, is awful. M4 during the week is fine but if there is an event at the Millenium Stadium, then once again awful and the camera vans are out picking them off on the section between Swindon and Bath.


M25 so clogged with lane swapping so not worth trying until past the new service to move anyway.


Trailers, I have given up with trying to reason with people, I can flash for 10 miles and there are some who are oblivious to you being there. I now undertake as if they are not doing 70mph you have to be unlucky to be done and what is the alternative?


If they made all UK motorways any lane overtaking people would drive better, as many just sit in the middle and only look at the outside lane as normally that is where anything happens. Make it different and they would drive differently.


In Germany, the lane discipline is first class as they know they may meet a 155mph overtaker on their journey.

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I was a little surprised when driving in the US as I thought the freeway driving i.e passing on either side would speed things up. As you say you still get the cars side by side and all going slowly in all lanes with humungous queues behind. Couldn't decide which to prefer but do know that whilst some drivers have got certain orifices they will endeavour to remain stuck in their road block formations oblivious to anyone else. I'm not supporting speeders here but general progress on motorways in this country have fallen from what was 70+ years ago, depending on when and where to less than 30mph on most journeys. Crossing London apparently is quicker by push bike these days, just not safe.


In a few years time we will be saying each other remember when we used to be able to do 70 on the motorway. The car is doomed.


As Jeff says I go with the undertaking route after giving enough time and warning to pass as safely as possible.


Bob :(

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