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Provisional 2014 Calendar

Nick Algar - Competition Secretary

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Not an easy decision in many ways, but if the help isn't there and the event doesn't even break financially, it's regrettably the only decision Nick could take. :(

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I hereby volunteer for whatever job needs doing for a sprint school day or "try it" day at curbs or anywhere else.

Echo'ing this point i'm also voluteering my services.


i know that we (manchester boys)  have talked about privatley hiring curbourgh.... what happens is this becomes a club organised event, do i need to speak to someone?





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I think Curborough almost always clashed with LeMans weekend which impacted numbers.


The factory used to book the venue for new customer demos / sales.


I wonder if an option to do a joint event with them to split costs?

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If I am not on holiday I would be happy to give some instruction/advice etc etc on a Curborough day or anywhere else if that helps attract people to sprinting etc

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sound like a tution day could be of interest..... Happy to organise, but want to stay the right side of the law/insurance etc....


who do i need to speak to club wise?






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I can echo Nick's comments regarding getting help at events and for Curborough in particluar, for the 3 years I was Meeting Sec for the WSCC Curborough weekend at least 50% of the administration effort in preparing for the event was trying to get enough volunteers confirmed.


Then, once I got a list names I had to deal with all the 'preferred' allocations - this went along the lines of "I'm only doing marshalling if I can be on Post 2 with my mate so and so etc" - if you've never done it, you have no idea how much of this was involved... :(  I also had people confirm they would help and never turn up even though everyone had my mobile number and email address so they could have at least let me know.


For those that don't realise, preparation for the Curborough weekend by the Comp Sec and Meeting Sec starts before Christmas and continues through until about a month after the event!


Every year we struggled to get sufficient competition entries, often this was because a lot of WSCC members thought that as it was a WSCC event they would be guaranteed a place so it didn't matter if their entry went in just before the closing date :swear:   the trouble with this is that we were often near the point of cancelling the whole weekend because the club couldn't afford to subsidise the event costs.


I really enjoyed doing that job and have tried where possible to help those who went into that role after me but after my life turned upside down three years ago I just can't put in the necessary effort to do the full role anymore.



Nick, I hope to get up to Blyton for the weekend next year and will help wherever needed :t-up:

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who do i need to speak to club wise?

John, I'd suggest talking over your ideas with Dave (gadgetman) as he is our representative on the committee :)
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will do....

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I think Curborough almost always clashed with LeMans weekend which impacted numbers.




David, It did a couple of times, but I think the last 2 years events have not. 

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If a group of Areas wanted to organise an event then that may actually be a better way of doing it. It doesn't have to be at Curborough, local Kart tracks can be good for trying Sprinting out. If you organised them after Stoneleigh then they could be advertised at the Stoneleigh Sprint School. Being reasonably local may attract more people.

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sounds like a plan.... to suggest stopping topic drift can we leave this thread as "dates for 2014"  and a thank you to the organising team and we'll start a new thread on a "practice/learning session"



thank you for your help!!!! 

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Looking forward to my first Speed series :) Ill be looking at doing as many events as possible at least 6 in 2014.


Is a Shame about Curborough as Nicola was looking forward to having a go! Maybe she will do the sprint school at Blyton instead.

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Looking forward to my first Speed series :) Ill be looking at doing as many events as possible at least 6 in 2014.


Is a Shame about Curborough as Nicola was looking forward to having a go! Maybe she will do the sprint school at Blyton instead.


Lee & Others Alternative Curborough here http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/105732-introduction-to-sprinting-14th-april-curborough/

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Could be that 3 sisters is local for the Manchester and Liverpool guys and you may be able to hire it. I would be happy to do the tuition bit

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Could be that 3 sisters is local for the Manchester and Liverpool guys and you may be able to hire it. I would be happy to do the tuition bit

That would be brill.

I beleive 3 Sisters can be booked for test days for MSA license holders.

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