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the scottish question.

Norman Verona

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Alec Salmond was on the BBC News. When asked about currency he responded to the effect "we will keep the pound".


Surely that's not up to him. If the Bank of ENGLAND allowed them to keep the pound they would have to retain the UK's tax and financial rules as well.

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Speaking of Mel Gibson... :d


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I blame Mel Gibson....  :suspect:

We can watch him and Sean Connery fight it out over who gets to be king. :)



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They can pay their share of the National Debt.    It's about £1.3Trillion at present, how about the Scots paying the 0.3 Trillion, I would be happy with that.   They can also have one of our 'soon to be' aircraft carriers and equip it with planes themselves.

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Speaking of Mel Gibson... :d


He's a Diamond,  Scott.        I thought everyone has to be PC friendly these days.

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What's the word on the street in Scotland about the whole thing? I'm immensely tired of hearing the views of politicians already!

If Scotland does go its own way I wonder whether Wales might look to follow once the outcome is clear (assuming it doesn't turn Scotland into a third world country!). May as well give Cornwall independence after that. And I'll be King of Wessex.

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Having done business all over Scotland I would have thought that those in the south of the country (say below Perth) would have a NO majority and those in the north would have a YES majority. 


Bear in mind the majority of the population live in the Glasgow-Edinburgh band.


But, what do I know. 



I suspect it will be NO and then Salmond will ask for more powers seeing as 38% (or whatever) voted yes.

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penalty points - so they are going to need there own DVLA.



Having the break mid month - Nice on easy for tax man etc to work out!

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Interesting interview lunchtime suggesting the SNP will bang the drum and offer lots of financial goodies to the voters hoping the Cameron will pitch in with leaders like when will you be buying back RBS and when do we issue all government employees with their P60s. He has stated refusal of todays claims that they will keep our Queen and currency but he will not get into a slanging match which they would encourage to muddy the waters. Could be an interesting few months. Many of us would like to leave the EEC but we cannot afford to and extraditing ourselves from many of their obnoxious laws would at least be an improvement. Should Scotland vote yes it would be a brilliant exercise for us to learn from. 

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I now work in Aberdeen during the week and have done for the past year and been half Jock there's one point you the Scottish population along with the Government  have not entertained.....no one but no one has mentioned or even considered..... the Scottish Play?? or aren't we allowed to speak about the Scottish Play??




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The Scotish people are not stupid. the only ones that independance would help is the likes of Alex Salmond. Regardless of how much oil revenue has been generated, the facts are the Scottish people, do better than the English when it comes to money for them from the centre.

A yes vote would be very unlikely as the benifits to remaining part of the UK, with the disproportianate influence over the UK, are overwhelming. People like Sean Connery will bang on about independance from their homes in Bermuda, but the reality for normal people is they are better of where they are.


Labour don't want this as without the Scottish voters they will be consigned to the back benches for many years to come.

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Jeff, I would put money on Labour to win the next election as UKIP splits the Tory vote.


It was said at lunchtime that 8.3% of the Btitish embassies belong to the Scots. That'll be the shed in the garden then.

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I'm gonna set up building firms in Berwick and Carlisle just incase the wall needs rebuilding. :d

I do sometimes think that the only benefit to going independant would just be so the scots could stick the middle finger up at the English. If we put the millions spent on this so far into something worthwhile and productive the world would be a better place

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Jeff, I would put money on Labour to win the next election as UKIP splits the Tory vote.

I still just about have enough faith in the UK population to think they won't vote UKIP en mass. I think...

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Am I the first Scot to respond? Unfortunately as a professional salesman I never discuss sex, religion or politics. However, I would like to say that a lot of Scots are waiting to know WHY we are going through this. Today's white paper may explain more but I suspect it will contain lots of statements about what they will do... without telling us how and what the consequences will be.

Very close to breaking my own rule... don't  get me started!

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