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the scottish question.

Norman Verona

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The problem is that no government can give its people exact answers .. look at our current one on current issues!

Many were expecting the White Paper to give all the answers to exactly what an independent Scotland will look like .. can't be done, I'm afraid.

I'm undecided at this very early stage .. I need more answers ;-P

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Name me a British Government that has got it 'right' over the decades.....I think you'll struggle. Millions of opinions that will never agree or suit a majority.


A 670 page white paper won't give many answers, it's a best guess. I just don't get it and voting for Independence is suicide in my opinion. I'm also quite uncomfortable with allowing 16 and 17 year olds to vote, easily swayed, will vote yes/no depending what their parents/friends do and not on fact.


I can't get passed thinking it's all a bit of an ego trip for Mr Salmond, he's been watching too much Braveheart.


Just my uneducated opinion...

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The problem is that no government can give its people exact answers .. look at our current one on current issues!

Many were expecting the White Paper to give all the answers to exactly what an independent Scotland will look like .. can't be done, I'm afraid.

I'm undecided at this very early stage .. I need more answers ;-P


Assume that an independent Scotland will:

  1. Have no access to any UK infrastructure;
  2. Be outside the EU, at least to start with;
  3. Need to make its own currency arrangements (albeit perhaps with peg to EUR or GBP);
  4. Need to develop the key pieces of any legislative / governance frameworks currently provided via Westminster;
  5. Inherit a share of national debt (allocated on a per capita basis).

That's essentially the "worst case" situation (albeit I've probably missed a few things).  However, as nothing seems to have been formally agreed about getting anything else (or what it would cost if you did), it might not be a bad idea to assume the worst and treat anything you did get FoC/at a discount as a bit of a bonus...

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I suggest some may be unaware of how "independent" Scotland already is. They are not just an extension of upper England ( as we arrogant English may think)  but have had their own legal system and banking for ever. My vote would be for England to become Scottish that would mess with Cameron's head and we wouldn't have to pay tuition fees for our kids who can't get a job or benefits. The old argument of it being Scotland's oil would be wiped out straight away and London would no longer be assumed centre of the universe, they also have a rather nice new Parliament building in Edinburgh. The road system is still a little below par but then the scenery is stunning.

Must make a note to self to go back up North haven't visited Scotland since 2002.


ya ken fit a mean jimmy. poor attempt at jockanese


Bob :)

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s2rrr there is always Applecross 2014 for your long overdue visit to God's country............................ :westy:  :db-westy:  :orange-westy:  :lg-westy:  :yellow-westy:  

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QT was interesting.


Seems like the SNP want independence and then see how it goes. They seem to think the rest of the world will accommadate  them. 


As far as the rest of the UK is concerned why would we? I hope the view is you can go it alone but don't expect us to help or you can stay in the union and enjoy the benefits.


One of the arguments put forward last night was that Scotland has to do what a Tory government says when they have no Tory MPs. Well, welcome to the real world, many have to put up with that scenario. In fact 43% of the population.


Which raises another question.


If they go there own way, I assume the Labour MPs in Scotland will lose there seats. Wouldn't they be left with MPs from one party only, the SNP. Someone will have to remind me what a single party country is called.

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One idiot called Eddi said if it doesn't work we can just go back to what we had  :o

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I get the impression a lot of Scot's feel like that. If they have a problem post independence they can just go back to being part of the union.


I think if the UK government laid out, without costings, all that an independent Scotland would have to do, including running it's own currency outside of the Bank of England then it may make the voters understand the issues.  

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Its up to the Scottish people so I have no say really but they will still be ruled by a majority party (SNP?) so a lot of people will still feel they are not in control of their country

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One of the arguments put forward last night was that Scotland has to do what a Tory government says when they have no Tory MPs. Well, welcome to the real world, many have to put up with that scenario.

Hmmm well on that basis Scotland previously ran the country in the shape of Gordon Brown. That went well as I remember.

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Hmmm well on that basis Scotland previously ran the country in the shape of Gordon Brown. That went well as I remember.


...and the rest of the Scottish diaspora!

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