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How would you react if...

Wile E. Coyote

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Jeff, both M&S and Morrisons will have managers who should be aware of these shortcomings. 


I suspect that Metal Marianne was the best they can get, you must know how difficult it is to get smart, decent staff. I wonder what would happen if Metal Marianne was sacked over the way she dresses/looks. Probably get a 4 figure sum for wrongful dismissal.


I would lay the blame further up the chain. If the middle managers can't employ local managers who can run the store professionally it's not always the staff at fault.


I do agree with you, we just don't complain enough about bad service. Mind you, I just walk away but HM gets the manager and makes a fuss. 


M&S spend a fortune to get the right staff, I have a friend who works there and customer service is a big priority. Regardless of her face, and as an employer you can insist they remove peircings, so long as the policy is not gender based, she was just very moody and short with customers.

The managers should know about the shortcomings however, they have under managers who are in charge of the day to day running, it is those who fail to ensure the standards are kept daily.


What I never do is bawl out the individual, as you say it may not be their fault. I also understand that not all customers are angels and sometimes the customers are prats.

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I don't like poor service esp with car dealers. Its a lot of money after all.

I nearly didn't buy my lotus. I went into the showroom on a day off work. In jeans and t shirt (fairly scruffy) Got snotty looks and response from one salesman as I looked around not willing to help. Luckily for them a younger one saw that I had come in a kit car and was an enthusiast.

He came over asked if he could help and I bought the car. As I left I walked up to snotty smiled sweetly and said "missed an opportunity there didn't you" young salesman burst out laughing.

Interesting enough the suzuki salesman was superb. We arrived and he was talking with another customer. He did no more than say "excuse me for a minute" to the customer he was dealing with said to us "im just dealing with this gentleman help yourself to coffee and either look around or have a seat and ill be with you as soon as I can." Back to the other customer he said thank you and carried on. Both customers happy. Two sales for the sake of 30 seconds.

Their service is always polite and friendly.

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If you can take business elsewhere. It might make you feel better giving them 'feedback' but if there that bad they dont deserve it. If you need to buy from that dealer explain the situation to the sales manager, explain what you expect to happen and ask to be assigned to salesman who understands how you want to be treated.


A couple of years ago, my then 1 year old RS6 snapped a driveshaft after a fairly serious heavy right foot out of a junction. I'd just come back from holiday, was jet lagged and out in garage clothes. old oily jeans you get the picture. The Audi Assist took me and the car back to the dealer on a Saturday afternoon. After arriving I popped in to reception to see what they would do. The receptionist took one look at me down the end of her nose and told me I'd have to push it around to the back of the garage and there was nothing they could do till monday.


Somewhat irritated I fumed out of the place and the Audi Assist guy who was brilliant and I dumped the car where we could. I then went back to the receptionist and let her know what we had dumped it where we could, and that having purchased an  Audi that breaks down in year (albeit maybe my fault) that I expected not to be treated like something she had trod in. At this point the sales manager spots the issue and was on it like a hawk. Puts me in his car for the remainder of the weekend till mine is sorted. This is a dealer that in 10 years has only ever put a foot wrong twice. So it does depend on staff. 

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Bet it was a BMW showroom.


Nope - Land Rover.


BMW have always been keen to try and relieve me of more cash but when the salesman at a local dealer claimed to have never heard of the problem with the recent ones getting nicked without keys I became convinced they must hire either imbeciles, liars, or both.

Good news: I seem to have found a dealer that actually wants to sell me one. 

Bad news 1: I'll have to wait 2 months longer (for some reason they've sold their quota for the quarter whereas the local guys haven't, wonder why?)

Bad news 2: Fair but low trade in offer on current car (will almost certainly list on here in due course... it's a lot of car for the money!)


Looking pretty promising though...  :t-up:

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When I bought my discovery last year I went to 4 dealers within 30 miles of my house.


It was amazing the variation in 'hunger' for a sale and knowledge of the product.


One said there are never any discounts and they can sell all they can get and another offered 7.5% on the spot.


I went with the latter and about a week later the former phoned me again suddenly offering to give me 5% if I could order this week blah blah .


Do they take us for idiots sometimes.

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Do they take us for idiots sometimes.


Seems like all the time David :d :D

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I'd probably have politely butt in to his conversation and said


" Excuse me but I thought I had an appointment with you, but it appears I must have made a mistake. Could you please confirm when I should be here? Perhaps on a day when you give a stuff about customer service!"


And this would have been at a volume that all could here, but hey guess I'm the vindictive sort.

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I remember having an exchange with a Dealer Principal about his demonstrably poor Service Department ("We couldn't have caused your car to breakdown on its return from our garage as we only changed the oil...."). Not carrying-out the service it had actually been booked for as indicated on booking records, car manual and SID was an interesting defence.

He went on about how well his garage fared and were upper quartile performers on his Marques manufacturer survey returns for service within the brand. True perhaps, but when that brand ranked 35 out of 36 in the UK for service I suggested his sights should be somewhat higher as customers have a broader choice! (even Fleet ones).

His repetition of "upper quartile, blah, blah" made me realise I was wasting my breath........

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we had a car sales man from a local vx dealer bump a neighbours car (Subaru wrx ) he backed into it , he then brought the neighbours imprezza to us for a estimate ,we did a estimate while he waited

the next day the owner of the Subaru turned up (we knew her anyway) and asked why we had put 100 miles on her car while we had it ,I explained we hadn't had her car it was brought to us and the car sales man waited for it and took it away with him , turns out she had confronted him over the milage and he blamed us saying he had left the car with us for the day ,she believed us anyway she just wanted to confirm it

I went around to the local vx dealer about 10 am on a Saturday asked to see the salesman went to his desk and made sure the whole showroom heard what I had to say to him telling the whole story infront of the customers and staff how he had been driving around in a customers car and then blamed us for the 100 miles it had put on it ,the whole place went silent as a told him what I thought of him , as I left the sales manager cought me and could not apologise enough to me and said he would deal with him


just goes to show what some are like

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I'd probably have politely butt in to his conversation and said


" Excuse me but I thought I had an appointment with you, but it appears I must have made a mistake. Could you please confirm when I should be here? Perhaps on a day when you give a stuff about customer service!"


And this would have been at a volume that all could here, but hey guess I'm the vindictive sort.


That's one of the (few) things I miss about my ex-SWMBO, she could always be guaranteed to make a scene when necessary whereas I'd either just storm off or wait frustratingly until they could be bothered to deal with me...


She once accompanied a work colleague to a shoe shop to get a pair of shoes exchanged that had failed after a few weeks, her friend was convinced they'd be laughed out of the shop and didn't really want to go... she got a new pair of (different) shoes and a voucher for half price of another pair after Gill 'had a word'  :laugh:

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I have never had any positive experiences with car salesmen. i find them slimy, patronizing  and arrogant, just one step up from estate agents. weather buying or selling i always do my homework and ring every dealer within an hours drive then play them off against one another until i get the deal i want. 

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I have never had any positive experiences with car salesmen. i find them slimy, patronizing  and arrogant, just one step up from estate agents. weather buying or selling i always do my homework and ring every dealer within an hours drive then play them off against one another until i get the deal i want. 


I've found a couple of good ones.  They seem to be few and far between but ultimately, as I've never bought the same marque twice, it always ends up being hit and miss.  


As a result, I hate buying cars from dealers.  I think there's a lot to be said for the Broadspeed type offerings.

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Ordered an Astra GTE 20 odd years ago, went to collect and it had clearly been stored in a field; bird lime marks in the lacquer, scratched under the bumpers, and one of the sill seams bent. Complained to the salesman and said I was rejecting the car.  He fetched dealer principal who said if I rejected it I would lose deposit; salesman then said that he had not a taken a deposit as I was a regular buyer. I walked away, could hear DP shouting at salesman as I left.  Franchise closed about 6 months later.

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