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Pennines to Pyrenees 2013 official thread

John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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I'll also bring a few copies of the menus selected along with us. 

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Sorry Steve, apologise to your better half for me. I've sorted it now.

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Sorry for late reply Norm bad week at work , here goes:


Marcusb :  27.50 Euros with Cheese, Rabbit , Duckling.

Nakkib :  27.50 Euros with Cheese, Rabbit , Duckling.





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He (restaurateur)  got back to me this morning and he says he has no parking and we can't park in the street.


So, do we go and find some parking? It won't be too difficult as the place will be empty on a Sunday and it's not like the UK with cars being stolen.


I'll start looking for another restaurant if that's what you want, but this one took me about 30 emails and phone calls before finding one that was open and could cater for us.


Let me know but don't leave it too long.



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I'm happy parking on the street...

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also I have PM'ed everyone on the tour, my next of kin details... no reason but jet being organised.


for those not going the PM also contain frosties secret formula

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I've spoken to a hotel in Chinon and they say we will not find parking in the town. I'm sure we can get parked in the streets but probably not together. 


I've spoken to another restaurant in a place called Chateau Renault and they are open and have parking. Only problem is the menu is 55€ ! (ouch)


If everyone's happy about parking in the street then I'll rebook the one in Chinon.


I booked the Auberge in Chateau Renault before finding their menu. I can cancel. It's unusual for an Auberge to be that expensive. (an Auberge is like an English Inn)

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The only problem I can see is we will all be loaded with luggage and valuables in cars I am locking my bags to rollbar but a stanley knife would soon sort that out ??

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French stick and a tub of beef paste is sounding quite good at the moment lol.


Do you best Norm, it sounds like quite a task you have taken on. Happy to go with everybodies decision at the end of the day.



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Steve, all the bags can go in mine and Jean-Maries tintops so no problem there. Jean-Marie was coming in his Westfield special but they are now bringing their son Celeste (that's made HM happy) so they'll be in the Alfa.


I've spent the past hour ringing round and haven't found any that are open on Sundays. 


Lets see what the others say. However we need to make our minds up fairly quick, you're leaving in 4 days. (did you know that?)


ed to add that car crime in France isn't like the UK. I never lock our cars and have never had anything stolen. But we can get all the luggage in the tintops.

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Norm, 55 euros for sausage and mash is pushing the boat out a bit. Like you said Ouch! If I could pay that everyday I'd have bought a Caterham lol. (I can just see all the Westy owners cringing at the thought)


Hope that you can find a place with parking, if not the original restaurant sounds OK but the parking is an issue and we all need to take onboard what Steve has said. We all need to be together on the decision.


To be honest I don't think we took onboard that France closed on a Sunday. Might be an issue with a hotel restaurant not being open as well, Steve looked at that I think.


Still looking foward to everything what ever happens, keep up the good work will buy you a beer for all the phone calls your making.



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I've found another. They want us to have a set menu which they will send me. This may be tomorrow as they're probably busy tonight.


They have a small car park but will get us in.


So to summarise.


The one in Chinon is on hold.

The one with the 55€ menu is booked but can be cancelled.

The 3rd looks OK subject to seeing the set menu.


Actually I think the one in Chinon is good and then we can have a walk about the town which is really nice. All the bags can be locked in the two tintops.

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Cant you just bring them a picnic and meet them at an Aire, alfresco sunday lunch :d

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