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Pennines to Pyrenees 2013 official thread

John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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If there's 6 cars and 11 people how come John and Lee both seem to be on their own. Is someone carrying three?


Someone give me a sanity check. There are 6 cars and 11 people aren't there. If so, who's forgotten their partner?



I've got an idea. Anyone not responding by tomorrow morning will get Scott's menu.

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If there's 6 cars and 11 people how come John and Lee both seem to be on their own. Is someone carrying three?


Someone give me a sanity check. There are 6 cars and 11 people aren't there. If so, who's forgotten their partner?



I've got an idea. Anyone not responding by tomorrow morning will get Scott's menu.



Mrs Panda (Louise) is home minding the children; so i have a pass and i'm on my own!



lee is traveling with his brother gary.

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Hello all...


It's Gary - the missing person!  Only just found out about this and yes, I would like to eat!


25.50 Euros without cheese... Rabbit and roasted duckling.


Many thanks, Gary



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Come on chaps, I need your menu requirements. Only 6 days before you leave and I'd like to get this sorted sooner rather than later.

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Sorry Norm only just got in from work..

With cheese

1 Rabbit

1 Bouquet of green salad

2 Duckling




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Our choice from the 27.50 menu.


1 Rabbit + Duck ........for me

1 Codfish + Duck ......for Gwen.


Thanks norman.

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Well I've got 9 out of a total of 15.


Only 5 days before the off so can those who haven't advised me get a move on.


Does anyone have all the emails for the group and can send a reminder round. (I'll get Jean-Marie and Nathalie's)

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I've been asked to publish what we have so far.


So this is it:


To avoid confusion the translation is:


Sans = without

Avec = with

Lapin = rabbit

Canard = duck

Morue = codfish

Fromage = cheese.


Oh, and Terroir is the name of the menu. Terroir is the ground the vine grows in. Wine from a good terroir can be worth thousands of pounds a bottle, poor terroir a couple of Euros.


From Wiki:

The concept of terroir is at the base of the French wine Appellation d'origine contrôlée (AOC) system that has been the model for appellation and wine laws across the globe. At its core is the assumption that the land from which the grapes are grown imparts a unique quality that is specific to that growing site. The amount of influence and the scope that falls under the description of terroir has been a controversial topic in the wine industry.[1]



The menus.


1) Terroir sans fromage : Lapin & Canard ------ John Williams
2) Terroir sans fromage : Morue & Canard ----- Lynne Verona = tartellet citroen
3) Terroir avec fromage : Morue & Dorade ----- Norman Verona = assiette sorbet
4) Terroir avec fromage :  Lapin & Canard  ----- Lee Smith
5) Terroir sans fromage :  Lapin & Canard  ----- Gary Smith
6) Terroir avec fromage :  Lapin & Canard  ----- Steve Livesey
7) Terroir avec fromage :  Morue & Canard  ----- Elena Livesey
8) Terroir avec fromage :  Lapin & Canard  ----- W Shep
9) Terroir avec fromage :  Morue & Canard  ----- Gwen Shep
10) Terroir avec fromage :  Lapin & Canard  -----  Terry
11) Terroir avec fromage :  Morue & Canard ---- Mrs Terry
12) Terroir avec fromage :  Lapin & Canard  ----- Marcus
13) Terroir avec fromage :  Lapin & Canard  ----- Nakkib
14) Terroir sans fromage : Lapin & Canard ----- Jean-Marie  = Mouse Chocolat
15) Terroir sans fromage : Lapin & Canard ----  Nathalie = Mille feulles framboise
16) Terroir sans fromage :  Morue & Dorade ----- Celeste = Assiette sorbet.




ed to add there will be one desert going begging as I won't have mine. If the trippers want to devise something that deserves a prize of two deserts......
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Hi Norm,

You don't seem to have Elena (Mrs L) on your list I put my order as 1 Rabbit ..1 Bouquet green salad and 2 Duck 


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Norm, been racking my brain for devising who should get the extra dessert so here goes.


1. Best helper out on the trip, doing something for a fellow tripper over and above the call of duty

2. Person who has no sence of direction i.e. gets lost the most

3. Best dressed drunk

4. Most stupid comment that anybody can make


My money is on option 2 but 3 or 4 might stand a chance.


Anybody get any ideas.



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