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Pennines to Pyrenees 2013 official thread

John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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No worries Terry still trying to catch up on this thread page 10 and we haven't set off yet! still sorting the logistics of hairdryers in the bootbag etc  :oops:  we will be off soon  :)

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Hairdryer, that all you got? Iron/curling tongs/sewing kit I kid you not. Going to see what will fit where tomorrow. Might have to leave the kitchen sink behind with all this junk.



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I think we'll aim for 12:30. It opens at 12:15.


Chinon to Orleans isn't that far.  It's about 100 miles so 2 hours maximum.


I'll speak to the restaurant tomorrow and confirm everything.

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The restaurant is now booked and we should meet outside at 12:30. Please try and get there on time as we will be blocking the road for the time it takes to get the luggage from the open cars into the two tintops. 


We will then move the cars into Quai Charles VII which is beside the river and may have spaces for parking. 


The restaurant is at: 

78 Rue Haute St Maurice

37500 Chinon

Tel 02 47 93 37 18 


My mobile is 0033 (0)7 70 70 23 79


If someone can PM me one of your mobile numbers it would be good.

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Thats one lunch sorted Norm can you now sort the others please :-) (another 10 pages)

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Must I? 


This is a mission I don't want to accept.


Mind you all the other days will be easy.

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Why did I start this? :) Oh, I remember, Scott suggested we meet.


He wants us to choose our deserts. So here's the menu:


La Carte des Desserts
Mousse Chocolat Guayaquil et Madagascar (spécialité du chef)
Caramel de Lavande et Glace Violette
Mille Feuille Croquant de Framboises
Crème Légère au Gingembre et Thé Jasmin
Parfait Glacé à la Pistache Coeur d'Amarena
Soupe de Fruits Rouges au Campari
Tartelette au Citron Jaune meringuée
Caramel de verveine et glace au thé
Assiette de Sorbet
(Abricots ,Ananas Rôti et Mandarine)
Tuiles au Zeste d'Orange
Les Desserts Sont à Commander en Début de Repas
If anyone wants a translation just shout.
I'll update the original post with the menu on.
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Here it is again:


1) Terroir sans fromage : Lapin & Canard,mousse chocolat------ John Williams      25.50€
2) Terroir sans fromage : Morue & Canard,  tartellet citroen ----- Lynne Verona        25.50€
3) Terroir avec fromage : Morue & Dorade, assiette sorbet ----- Norman Verona      27.50€
4) Terroir avec fromage :  Lapin & Canard                             ----- Lee Smith             27.50€
5) Terroir sans fromage :  Lapin & Canard                             ----- Gary Smith           25.50€
6) Terroir avec fromage :  Lapin & Canard, mousse chocolat  ----- Steve Livesey    27.50€
7) Terroir avec fromage :  Morue & Canard , tartellet citroen ----- Elena Livesey       27.50€
8) Terroir avec fromage :  Lapin & Canard , tartellet citroen ----- W Shep                  27.50€ 
9) Terroir avec fromage :  Morue & Canard, mille feuille ----- Gwen Shep                  27.50€
10) Terroir avec fromage :  Lapin & Canard, mousse chocolat -----  Terry                27.50€
11) Terroir avec fromage :  Morue & Canard, mousse chocolat ---- Mrs Terry          27.50€
12) Terroir avec fromage :  Lapin & Canard    mousse chocolat  ---- Marcus            27.50€
13) Terroir avec fromage :  Lapin & Canard   Parfait Glacé à la Pistache  Nakkib     27.50€
14) Terroir sans fromage : Lapin & Canard,   Mousse Chocolat ----- Jean-Marie      25.50€
15) Terroir sans fromage : Lapin & Canard,  Mille feulles framboise ----  Nathalie    25.50€
16) Terroir sans fromage :  Morue & Dorade, Assiette sorbet. ----- Celeste              25.50€



I've chosen the sorbet but I'm sure he'll change one to suit whoever wins it.

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Mouse Chocolat, s'il vous plait!



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This time next week i'll have finished eating daffy duck, bugs bunny and just polished it off with a chocolate mouse.... better not tell the kids!





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Two fried eggs, 2 sausages, 2 rashers of bacon, fried bread and a fried tomato


That's what I'll have (but never get!)

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