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Pennines to Pyrenees 2013 official thread

John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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  John being stopped at customs with 'Everybody Lies' printed on his T-shirt was another classic moment for me - you couldn't make it up.



I forgot I was wearing that!!!!

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Dark Dog info soon!

You showed us your Dark Dog at Skipton....

you're'll fortunate you evaded Police/Customs!! :d

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Dark Dog info soon!


Ooooooh the anticipation  :d


I also forgot to mention the ''How many warning points will I get If I have this picture as my new avatar'' story, You know Steve the one with 3 wotsits in it  :blush:  :laugh:

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Right here goes Dark Dog :oops: .. ..Sunday night after a really nice meal and day with Norm and Jean Marie and family's, we booked into our hotel in Orleans and Wayne and Gwen, Marcus and Nakkie, Terry and Caroline and Elena and myself decided to walk into the town centre for a quiet evening a couple of drinks and a bite to eat, we found one little bar one drink and we moved on, this is were we found a very swish establishment, after one drink Terry got talking to a guy who it turned out to be the local Porn film director, he then spent the next hour trying to talk Terry into being his next star :d   the drinks were flowing at this point and decided to show the barman my little red balls  :p (my sponge magic balls) I had him hooked a few card tricks and then my disappearing cigarette trick by this time we had the full bar round us me doing magic tricks and Terry being talked into being a Porn star  :yes: the night got really silly (karaoke) my so called mates had set me up and I did my best at ruining the Troggs biggest hit Wild Thing    :down:   by this time the barmen was putting bar snacks on the bar and free drinks   :yes: he then slipped us some tubes of Dark Dog off the top shelf ...the wind up for the rest of the trip started, we warned Terry we couldn't give him a tube..dangerous for a porn star :d  So the quiet evening finished up a bit messy a few drinks finished up lots and the meal was bar snacks :p for the rest of the trip  and at every opportunity Wayne,Marcus and myself wound the rest of the guys flashing the Dark Dog tubes.... as Marcus said we had a real laugh...  oh and the 3 wotsits were 3 bananas   ???

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For some reason I got the mick for my periscope as well  :d


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  John being stopped at customs with 'Everybody Lies' printed on his T-shirt was another classic moment for me - you couldn't make it up.



I forgot I was wearing that!!!!




So why wouldn't customs let this in?

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So why wouldn't customs let this in?


No idea John Ime as confused as you ???  must be the hairstyle.....................................

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anything to declare?


Nope! Did you pack you bag? (Carolines handbags next to me? or the black bag wayne asked me to look after?)



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Ime sure the petrol can perched on top of the pile of bags/suitcases on your passenger seat didn't help either come to think of it..........


Thought you might struggle so tried my best with the illegal immigrant diversion   :oops: but we got waved through with smiles and pleasentries :laugh:  lol

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rest here missing sunday as i forgot to plug the GPS in

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Unfortunately the size of John's handbag meant he was unable to bring a passenger along........... 



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just chuckling on that one!

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