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bailiffs have been around


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bl**** el ! you go away to anglesey for two days and all hell breaks loose :oops: have i missed summat

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right hupadaty time , think i have sorted it today ,made a few phone calls anr made a few threats by email ,i rang them later today and was passed onto the same woman that basically told me tough **** on monday was totally different today and could not help me enough and sorted the whole lot in 5 minutes ,maybe it was lodging a complaint and the gaurdian ringing them also the help from chris ( mr coyote) and his wife which gave me some amo against them today ,anyway it did the trick ,time will tell if the bailiffs turn up on friday

so thanks everyone i used advice from a few of you tbh ,so thanks again i really appreciate it

i thought i had explained the events that led to the case being overturned here on page 4


karen wood ,the nice yound woman with a split personality (joking) told me the case with the courts would be wiped clean and everything would be sorted ,i paid the origonal amount minus the bailffs  fee's etc ,and they should have correcterd my postcode after them trying to tell me it was cw10 ojq which is 1/4 of a mile away this was hard work trying to get them to understand that i was correct and my postcode is cw10 0jg and not ojq or ojh or ojp like they tried to tell me ,i should have email confirmation of all this when i go into work tomorrow

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OK, thanks Steve. I hadn't realised that's what she meant.


Just ensure the judgement is set aside, you'll need confirmation from the court not the council. If it isn't there will be a CCJ against you which may affect your credit rating.


Sorry for being a nag, I was just interested how judgement was set aside so quickly.

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