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bailiffs have been around


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I got a bill for £36,700 in backdated business rates for a hay barn.....

did you tell them that the bill was the last straw and you would see them in court! ..... ill get my coat.


steve. advice from someone who worked for govt and dealt with exactly the same type of disputes is go to the local council first and make a complaint through their complaints proceedure.


if you have no joy, which is what seems to be the case the next step would be to go to the local council ombudsman and create a case with them.



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Dom, It went beyond the council when they issued the sommons. You'll get nowhere with them as they've been paid and will just shrug when you tell them they've got the wrong address.


You need to raise a complaint, certainly, but at the same time send them an invoice reclaiming the court fees, Give them 14 days to pay and then issue a county court summons.


I would ask the court for a copy of the plaint, you may be able to see it online. If, as Steve says, it has the wrong address, I cannot see how the court cannot uphold your plaint. The council have got the court to process a summons with the wrong address. Make a claim showing the costs, refer to the original plaint and provide a utility bill with the correct address.


Don't get sidetracked into trying to prove you didn't get the bills, it's irrelevant. The summons was issued with the wrong address, this is bad service. It also shows the court that you probably didn't get the rates bill for the same reason. As you paid the rates without hassle to the bailiffs I'm so sure the court will give you judgement that I'm will to process the claim for you and if you lose I'll pay the court fees (for this summons).


The reason councils get away with this is because people seem to be in awe of them and as they have criminal law behind them for unpaid rates. People just pay court fees when the summons would not have been necessary had the bill been sent out correctly. 

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its steves decision i am only passing on the advice given to me from someone who's job it was to deal with these sorts of complaints.


the LGO is not the local council.

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right hupadaty time , think i have sorted it today ,made a few phone calls anr made a few threats by email ,i rang them later today and was passed onto the same woman that basically told me tough **** on monday was totally different today and could not help me enough and sorted the whole lot in 5 minutes ,maybe it was lodging a complaint and the gaurdian ringing them also the help from chris ( mr coyote) and his wife which gave me some amo against them today ,anyway it did the trick ,time will tell if the bailiffs turn up on friday

so thanks everyone i used advice from a few of you tbh ,so thanks again i really appreciate it

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right hupadaty time , think i have sorted it today ,made a few phone calls anr made a few threats by email ,i rang them later today and was passed onto the same woman that basically told me tough **** on monday was totally different today and could not help me enough and sorted the whole lot in 5 minutes ,maybe it was lodging a complaint and the gaurdian ringing them also the help from chris ( mr coyote) and his wife which gave me some amo against them today ,anyway it did the trick ,time will tell if the bailiffs turn up on friday

so thanks everyone


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ay domski ,empty your chuffin inbox you cant receive pmski;s

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Sounds positive, Steve, let's hope it has all gone away now!

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Great news Steve, well done for sticking with it.

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As far as I know the bailiffs will come back for the court fees. The council can't stop them they are fees imposed by the court not the council.


Lets see what happens. 

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i'd arm wrestle the bailiffs for the court fee's as a last resort.....great news steve - glad to hear mate

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Yep you still need something in writing from the council and also some assurance that the judgement has been reversed you don't want that ruling hanging over your head you may need the space just in case :d  :d :d  :d  

T*ssers the lot of them, all to keen to threaten with bailiffs.


Bye for now I'm off on me jollies


Bob :)

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Yep you still need something in writing from the council and also some assurance that the judgement has been reversed you don't want that ruling hanging over your head you may need the space just in case :d:d :d :d

T*ssers the lot of them, all to keen to threaten with bailiffs.

Bye for now I'm off on me jollies

Bob :)

would you prefer them to just let bad debt go and fritter away public (your) money?

they have made a mistake, with help from here Steve has dealt with the issue correctly and they are correcting it. obviously you have never made a mistake bob?

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talking to Karen from the council yesterday it was a eye opener , they send a letter asking for payment and you have until x date to pay, then it goes to court ,then the bailiffs are brought in , it s that quick , between the first two letters that she emailed to me there was 8 days ,the court judgment was issued then another 8 or 9 days the bailiffs were here ,amazing how fast the council can be when they want is it not


but when you go through the automated phone call system it says you have until the 5th of august to send in your buisness rates payment :cry:  :laugh:

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