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Here it comes, is this the BIG ONE ?


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another hour has passed, and it's stopped raining, still no thunder or lightening, where's this storm ?


Perhaps like most visitors to MK it's got lost on one of the roundabouts  :blush:

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Heavy here now, in fact lashing down is a good word for it!

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Still nothing here not even drizzle let alone lashing down, suppose the show will really start around bed time, another night of no sleep  :down:

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I have 3 water butts, they've been empty for weeks, they're now full and the bl00dy garden doesn't need watering :bangshead:

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What a disappointment  :( I was so looking forward to a good old storm last night, especially after being told by the media all day long that it's on it's way, useless :arse:   's 

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Same here, one flash of lightning, a little rumble of thunder and that was it :(

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Lovely here, clear blue sky, lots of sun but not at all humid. I'mm going to sit outside and read my book.

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