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Here it comes, is this the BIG ONE ?


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So hoping you're right Norman, front lawn is like weetabix in both colour and consistency, despite me watering it regularly - it just catches the sun all the time there's any about.


An inch or two of rain on to it would help at least.


sure hope it gets a bit fresher soon too.


Sanding grp in the humidity we had today is an, er, interesting experience. I looked like I had Indian war paint on at one stage!


Welcome to my world Dave, I've been dry flatting 2k high build primer for two days straight this week, anyone remember the Pilsbury dough boy  :d  :d  :d

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Into the garage now, trying to clear up. GRP dust everywhere...

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I heard about a bloke today climbing tree's like i do for a job, tree got struck by lightening, electricity earthed down his wet climbing rope!!!  sadly it melted it to his body and he is a bit sore but he survived....!!!!  Uts lashing down in n'pton now.....

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It's just started coming down steady here in Sunny Manchester :d

Thank God for that, my garden my garden is seriously thirsty :t-up:

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Marto, I must be mad as I just looked out my office window and thought "oooh thats low white cloud" must be a bad storm........




and then realised its the side of the  truckman top on my new Toyota Hi-lux (white).......  doh!!!

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Marto, I must be mad as I just looked out my office window and thought "oooh thats low white cloud" must be a bad storm........




and then realised its the side of the  truckman top on my new Toyota Hi-lux (white).......  doh!!!


Toooooooo many ciders Jimbo  ???  :d  :p

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Our grass was going white in places. Problem is that the grass will now go green and 




Long story which I won't bore you with but the tractor needs a new drive belt. Will get one on Tuesday and then paln the grass cutting.

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not in the office mate :-) will have a few henry westons when I get home - ive got a conglomerate to manage  :d

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Norm - can we see some more pictures of your tractor please... you show me yours...... you know the rest.... :d

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not in the office mate :-) will have a few henry westons when I get home - ive got a conglomerate to manage  :d


James you still working at 9.30 on a Saturday night ?

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It's a 1970's IH (International Harvester ) or Case. It's made in France.


This was taken in 1006 when it had a side cutter. It's now got a 3 bladed topper.



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yep, and im working tomorrow and i'm then at Didcot Power Station from 6-30 AM on Monday  :d   I'm invoicing as ive had 3 jobs on today.... need to pay tax man  :no:

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Norman, that is a fine machine  :yes:   I will sort some pics out of the Ferguson... its been busy this month  :d

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yep, and im working tomorrow and i'm then at Didcot Power Station from 6-30 AM on Monday  :d   I'm invoicing as ive had 3 jobs on today.... need to pay tax man  :no:


If it helps, I'll have a nice could Guinness for you, up the workers  :yes:

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off home now - via the pub...... safe blatting folks - take a brolly..... :)

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