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Here it comes, is this the BIG ONE ?


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Well 19.41 and it's just started raining here in not so sunny Milton Keynes, it's still bl**** hot & muggy and could do with a good storm to clear the air so, I wonder if this is going to be the BIG storm we've been promised?


Whats happening in the rest of the country ?



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:(  :(  :(  


19.49 It's stopped already, No Thunder No Lightening


:blush:  :blush:  :blush:


Sorry peeps false alarm

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Nothing more than a light shower here, but it has gone a bit dark and grey looking...

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thunder and lightning and p******** it down. can here it on the garage roof whilst fitting my shiny catch tank :p

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thunder and lightning and p******** it down. can here it on the garage roof whilst fitting my shiny catch tank :p


A real trooper, Saturday Night, p******** down, Thunder & Lightening but still working in the garage  :d

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raining here in Essex with the sound of  thunder and lightering :yes:

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A real trooper, Saturday Night, p******** down, Thunder & Lightening but still working in the garage  :d

:d here's the proof



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Had constant, steady rain since 1800hts in Brum. Very dark. I'm expecting big rain at 2100-2200hrs and should stop 0200hrs.

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So 1 hour on and still no Thunder or Lightening but it is seriously p******** down

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:d here's the proof




That looks fantastic darve  :t-up:

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We had two very heavy storms during the day. It rained so hard on both occasions that the field behind the house was covered with 2" of water. It had just drained away when the second storm came, same result. 


However it's now cooled down considerably. Before I couldn't walk 6 steps without pouring with sweat.


And that's what's coming your way, you lucky people.

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Was 27c and bright sunshine at 2pm here, is now a much fresher 18c and still raining steadily, had a crack or two of thunder earlier but all quiet now :)

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We had two very heavy storms during the day. It rained so hard on both occasions that the field behind the house was covered with 2" of water. It had just drained away when the second storm came, same result. 


However it's now cooled down considerably. Before I couldn't walk 6 steps without pouring with sweat.


And that's what's coming your way, you lucky people.

Cheers Norm, see if we can send you something nice back  :d

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So hoping you're right Norman, front lawn is like weetabix in both colour and consistency, despite me watering it regularly - it just catches the sun all the time there's any about.


An inch or two of rain on to it would help at least.


sure hope it gets a bit fresher soon too.


Sanding grp in the humidity we had today is an, er, interesting experience. I looked like I had Indian war paint on at one stage!

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