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Just before the storm hit


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back.on topic, first shot is great - hope you have kept one or two back for the calender.

That's a for sure..

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Sat in Foklstone waiting for an early ferry tomorrow listening to the thunder coming closer and closer

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It'll be gone by the morning.

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Hopefully with the Pickmaster & family on board  :d  :d

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Here on the Sussex Downs the temp has been 25/28c every day since the 30th June. All the grass verges are brown, and all the lawns where folk are on a water meter. The Met Office were giving out flash flood warnings ( they don't have a clue do they ) yesterday, lovely day till 1600hrs then a bit cloudy, then at 1900 it rained for almost 2 hours , first rain for 28 days, will we get any more this week, I doubt it, it's only 21c this morning but sunny and a clear blue sky, perfect Westie weather :d  :d  :d .

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Woke at something past four this morning and it was still raining! Almost nine hours worth, the garden definitely looks better for it though.

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Won't that clash with your bright red lips?

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All the thunderstorms and rain are coming from France,  what have they got against us?

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Nothing, they love us. They're so good they want to share everything with us.

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On our Way to le mans last night at around 5 pm the heavens opened just as I pulled of to re fuel serious thunderstorms and lighting

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See, bigals was sharing our thunderstorm.

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it started raining last night and is still going strong although it might be petering out a little. We are now in la palmyre hopefully the sun will come out and we can go to the beach

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