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How long would you wait for payment?

Norman Verona

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Star log Sunday 21st July 2013.


I send the buyer an email informing him that his wife hasn't phoned as promised. I also inform him that if the balance isn't paid by tomorrow night, I'll re-advertise the car and send his money back less the advertising cost.


Withing a few minutes I get a phone call.


He can't pay the money because his wife has had to fly back as her mother is unwell. She was here a few days ago as she went to the office to see the car.


He says he'll pay the balance on Friday.


I've said if it gets sold in the meantime I'll send his money back. He did agree that he was sending £300 deposit (sent £250) and was going to make 4 x £500 payment on the Monday.



Why does it always happen to me, have I got MUG writen across my forehead?

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Not at all Norman, as I explained earlier, this stuff has happened to me. It's because you're a nice bloke, smiling and willing to be flexible. You show a bit of flex and it seems most people will keep pushing the flex till you break!

I hate owing money and if I owe money I go without till I pay what I owe. I've had people owe me £50 and still be ok to go out drinking " I only have £30!" Well now you have £5, but only owe me £25. Lost many friends like that, as they then go tell everyone you know that you're a c***. Where as I bet if was the other way round they'd done the same.

I often use "look, imagine I said I was going to buy a car, then... (Insert events) what would you do? Then they give "we'll I'd not worry about the few hundred pound and let you have it" well...

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If I was that type I'd ring the chap who would pay the price advertised and bring cash. I have his phone number.

But I'm not like that. I have other things on my mind, like a finger cut in half and 3 or 4 days work to finish the house.

He has untill Friday.

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Further update. His wife phoned whilst we were out yesterday.


"Hello, it's Lee's wife. We'll pick up the car on Friday, bye"


He wanted her to talk to me as she's more diplomatic. We'll they can pick up the car on Friday, if it's paid for.

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Now, funny you should say that this morning.


Nursy will be here soon to remove the stitches from finger.


I may the just about be able to cross them.


Actually no need to cross fingers. I have £1550 of his money and the car. It may be him who needs to cross his fingers cause he can't cross me. 

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The car belongs to your buyer, Norman, you have sold it to him.

He owes you a debt, namely the outstanding balance.

So your claim is simply for the outstanding balance. You might have a problem if you resell the car to someone else. On the other hand, if you are satisfied that you have given him clear warning of what you intend to do, ie re-sell the car if he doesn't pay up, then you may be in the clear.

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Stephen, he has been clearly warned that if I got an equal or better off it will get sold and I'll send his money back. I've told him that's unlikely as the advert finished last Friday.


He has admitted that we agreed a £300 deposit on the Saturday (6/7) and then the balance on the Monday. He says he didn't do that as his shift that week was 9-9 and he only found out on the Monday morning. His problem, not mine.


I don't want to re-advertise it (at his expense) but if I don't get the balance on Friday that is what I'll do. It will go on Autotrader for a month and I'll send him back his money less the cost of the advert.


It's not like I need all this hassle. When will people understand their actions have repercussions. I'm not waiting any longer for a car I've sold him which would cost him at least twice as much in France, which is where he will take it. I have all the docs on my desk ready to be posted to his French address when he gets title.

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Just to complete the story, I checked my bank at 07:15 UK time and the money has been paid.


Daughter has been informed to release car.


Commission has been paid.


I'm a happy bunny.


Only took 20 days instead of the 3 agreed.

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His wife left a message earlier in the week that they'd collect on Friday.

Funny thing is he hasn't rung yet.

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Now what can I spend it on. The original money was to go towards the Honda but that's fully paid and forgotten about now. :)

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