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You just won't believe this.....................

Norman Verona

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Gawd Norm. Just remember only a cat has nine lives !!!

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Norm - I know from experience how much fingers hurt when damaged - they are just packed full of nerves.  Hope the op goes well and they keep you on enough pills to kill the pain.  With my very best wishes.


Rory's Dad

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Thanks Martin. 


Just off to the butchers shop, see you all later.

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Will someone please go to Norman's place while he's away and remove all sharp tools, manual or otherwise, from his garage?  Thanks.


Good luck Norman - we're all counting on you.


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Good luck Norman,

I think I've found the perfect range of power tools for you.


All the best,



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How many times do you need to be told dude, get a gardener, you'll be daft when you grow up, much the same as I will!

Hope everything goes well today.


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Sorry Norman, just spotted this. Good luck mate!! 

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Get well soon Norman  :yes:

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Hope all is well soon!

Just made me think of all the stories we hear about...

Man falls down drain at 1346hrs tweet's "Help I've fallen down a drain!" 1412hrs man gets rescued!

As for index finger, I have a few minor scars on my fingers... Everytime I'd get "Clearly putting them where they shouldn't be!" From my mother.

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Many thanks for all the good wishes.


Just back, the bu99ers kept me in overnight. Mind you HM said when I came back into the room I was in no state to go anywhere, grey a groggy. That was 2 hours after going into the operating theater at 17:40.


You know they always say there's someone worse off than you. I shared a room with a chap about the same age as me. He was bleeding from somewhere, not sure where, and the nurses had to keep coming to clean up. Poor sod was allowed to go home. He and his wife left and were back in about 10 minutes, he was taken bad downstairs, had a very high temperature and was bleeding again. Got talking to him, interesting bloke. French Champion.













For snoring all night.

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Norman, I spent a couple of nights in hospital about two years ago having my apple cored (prostate re-bore) and the ward was full of bl**** snorers. The second night I had earplugs and a catheter - haven't slept so well in years! Not recommending the catheter, but the earplugs are worthwhile.

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I was wondering how the catheter helped :o:oops:

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