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Saving Mallory Park


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Mark, you've completely miss understood what I was saying. Jeff has said it above.


The voting bit is not about the track. It's about the trend that politicians have of going with the local voters without considering all the aspects of the matter. To go against the local community may mean they lose votes at the next election.


Another aspect of these situations, not all about race tracks, is that people move into the areas and then pressure the council to do something that may increase the value of their properties. It may be to reject a planning application which they feel will bring extra traffic to the area. 


Many of these "comers" work well away from their villages and have no interest in the other villagers well being.



Anyway, as Jeff says, it's going to be closed and all the consequences arising from that will have to be born by everyone in the area.

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Norman, I have not completely misunderstood what you are saying. You're posts however show you have a lack of understanding of the facts surrounding this case by the amount of assumptions you are making.

May I suggest we agree to disagree and move on.

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When the circuit closes and the travellers move in to the derelict site what will happen to the house prices? :d  :cry:

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Not living too far from Mallory and knowing the area, what Windy is describing may very well happen.


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Looking at it's location I imagine it will be big sheds within 3 years.... shame 

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Mark is right that it is complicated with both sides seemingly not willing to compromise. The residents do have a point that they bought homes near to a track which operated a number of days a year (which was already over the licensed level) happily for years. They then heard motorcross and drifting being done, which lets face it are noisey and in the case of drifting pretty pointless IMHO. What did they expect? It is like the residents of heathrow who bought homes near the busiest airport in the world and then want no more flights. it was dumb to assume it will saty the same for ever.

I have a home in a park, people walk past my front garden. They are building more homes so there will be more people. My neighbours are up in arms about it but we bought homes in a park what did they expect and extention to their private gardens?

So, the mallory residents, start to make a noise and the council who were happy are forced to act. Trenches are dug and war begins.


Lawyers jump in and away they go. It may mean that Mallory cannot survive on the number of days it's licence will allows. It may mean they reduce the noise to such levels that it cannot work. But I suspect the decision has been made.

Unwittingly the residents in these cases actually don't win. Many times developers are waiting in the wings, they promise jobs and snap up the land for peanuts, suddenly the residents are in the middle of a shopping development with 7 day a week traffic and noise which is not affected by any restrictions at all that the residents can fight against.


I hope they can compromise but it appears that this is not the case having read comments from both sides on Pistonheads.


Whatever, my comments on the local councillors still stands. We charge people with little or no business experiance to oversee the running of multi million pound operations where many could not run a tea hut. They get won over by articulate staff and lobbyists who recommend what their views are not what is best or fair.

That is why we have roads being reduced from dual carrigeways to single with huge cycle lanes which no one uses. Parking restrictions and charges that kill high streets I could go on but we have only ourselves to blame as local council elections are low turnout and based on issues that are at best meaningless to most

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Well said Jeff, I looked at buying a house at kirkby Mallory and the estate agent did point out the track was there and it was a business, It was also on the paperwork. I don't see how the residents can complain.


IMHO Mallory has actually got quieter. When I was a young lad they had F1 cars going round the circuit and they are a lot louder. The tannoy system is always on at 11:00 and off at 6:00 regardless if the race is still on. If the council were that bothered they would help to put the Motorway boards up along the top section to cut down the noise.


The fact that the residents/council have found an old piece of legislation which was never applied seems to me like a bunch of hooplah.


Unfortunately I am running Beavers at that time but have spread the word as much as possible.


If they decide to close the circuit hopefully lots of people  will make frequent visits through the village to look at the statues that are outside the circuit (perhaps I'll organise a regular blat out). Of course I'll make sure I'm quiet when I pass through :angry:

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Tesco have probably already done a deal.

Or Sainsbury's.

Meakin, but they never had noisy races 3 or 4 times a week. Where there is a genuine complaint from long term residents it's not just noise but frequency.

still don't understand why 96 track days a year isn't profitable. When you think there aren't many track days in winter.

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Busines rates are payable 365 days a year - so to earn enough over 96 makes it unviable i guess... i've just been rated for business rates in an agricultural trade and its 490.00 a month.....when my rent is 275 a month...... :no:

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Found out yesterday that of the seven permanent staff, five have been made redundant due to reduction in circuit use in order to comply with the restrictions.

Apparantly, temporary staff will be used as and when required.


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 The 145 jobs and £10million+ benefit to the local economy will be lost, along with a historic motor racing circuit.




of the seven permanent staff, five have been made redundant



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I have tried to send Mark A PM but he has knocked me off his list.


So, being the sort that does what I feel is right, even if it gets me into "trouble" and often works against me this is the message I typed.






I thought a note on our little disagreement may help clear the air. I do not want any bad feeling to fester.
I was talking in general about Councillors and their decisions and you were talking about this specific case.
I'm aware you're a local authority employee and would naturally defend your employer, I would do the same.
I've had some experience of Councillors and there decisions. In one case I objected to a planning consent with regard the building of the new village hall opposite my house. I knew there was a village hall along the lane when I bought the house and never complained about late night noise. But to build the new one 30 foot away with the building right outside my gable end windows  was the reason for my objection. My objection was turned down. The villagers were incensed by this and every last one of them put in objections, even though it didn't affect anyone but me. This objection was carried. I asked the secretary to the Councillors why the change of heart. She smiled and said "they're happy to lose your vote but not 175"
It was this attitude I was referring to, not the Mallory Park specific case.
Hope there's no bad feeling,



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Tesco have probably already done a deal.

Or Sainsbury's.

Meakin, but they never had noisy races 3 or 4 times a week. Where there is a genuine complaint from long term residents it's not just noise but frequency.

still don't understand why 96 track days a year isn't profitable. When you think there aren't many track days in winter.


I know what you mean Norman, but its interesting as nowhere from the complaints is it clear that they are long term residents. In this case I would consider long term anyone who has lived there for more than 30 years. Since I was 15 (30 years ago) I can remember that there was practice on Wednesdays, races Saturday, Sunday and bank holiday Mondays. Not to mention track training days. The programme was full ie every weekend (and had higher attendances) so I don't see any reason to complain now. A lot of the motorcross events took part at the same time as the racing (ie the weekend)


I really think there is some kind of "behind the doors" decisions being made here which is either to raise prices of houses or as you say someone has their eye on the land.


When I went to Mallory last weekend I was told by a marshal there that the council received a complaint from a resident from the weekend before because a classic car that was racing was backfiring. Obviously I don't know if that was true, but it does make you think if the residents are "trying it on" a bit.



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Meakin, that makes it worse and goes someway to show that Jeff and I are not far from the mark.


Won't be the first, or last, time a Councillor has pushed through decisions for personal gain.


Before everyone starts shouting at me, (I'm very sensitive. you know) I'm not saying that's the case here as no one would know,


If, as Mark says, the decision has been made and the next meeting is to formulise the new rules about circuit use, why the mass protest.

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