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Looks dodgy to me


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I feel violated on Normans behalf  :down:


They've photoshopped the roll bar colour for some reason.  Like that would ever happen!

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The mugger needs to be inundated with questions and comments :d  :yes:

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The plot thickens, I've reported it as potentially fraudulent to ebay.

I've also asked him if its a Westfield how come it looks like a Caterham?

He claims he bought it along with the V5 as a Westfield.

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I feel bad as well, I can't believe... Actually I can.

Well spotted everyone!

I was going to say that it looked like someone crashed their car, stripped it of parts and all they had left was a bent chassis. So although insurance show up clean the chassis is not roadworthy.

However... Far worse than that! Snap happy Blatting Company owner has had photo's abused! Not good.

You all know about my mate that had a yellow Robin Hood sliding pillar, brought chassis/V5 from a red Robin Hood 2B+ and changed colour on V5, used plates and tax disc... Away he went in a non-IVA/SVA'd vehicle. Got MOT, they didn't check VIN's... I reported it to authorities... He's still driving it.

So clearly dodgy people buy dodgy bits and do dodgy things!

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The mugger needs to be inundated with questions and comments :d:yes:

I'll ask which model... SeiW, Sei, Zei... Might even throw in sim silly things like GTI, RS or Speed King.

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Can someone easily HPI the chassis no?

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The roll bar is that colour. I've got that somewhere. The new chassis had to have a different roll bar.


HM wants to put the chassis in the area you drive in and fill it with flowers. 


I wonder if I know the advertiser, or more to the point, does he know me.

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The roll bar is that colour. I've got that somewhere. The new chassis had to have a different roll bar.


HM wants to put the chassis in the area you drive in and fill it with flowers. 


I wonder if I know the advertiser, or more to the point, does he know me.

Come to think of it Norm, it would make a cool window box for your conservatory.

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Astonishing that the vendor didn't black out the truly relevant parts of the V5.  :d


Probably not worth bidding on now.  ;)

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It's not a conservatory!


It's a PORSCHE, or should that be porch?


I've been taking rests in it today. It's got 3 chairs now. On Thursday we're off to Ikea to get a shoe rack and a small coffee table.


I'm sealing the floor in the morning to stop the concrete dust.


I hope Jacob will finish it by October, the first anniversary of starting the job. But I'm not betting on it! 

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Come to think of it Norm, it would make a cool window box for your conservatory.

I was thinking flower bed at entrance...

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Can you all give me a sanity check on this.


Anyone buying a V5 will be planning something illegal. I just can't see any other genuine reason. The chassis cannot be sold, it's here, I know because I put a lot of wood on it this afternoon.


So, do I care if someone uses the pictures off my web site to sell a dodgy V5 to someone who wants it for illegal reasons.

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It's changed quite a bit compared to what it looked like two years ago on his companies facebook page :d


It was definately a Westfield back then. :laugh:

Defiantly blue with a different roll bar too...

Does anyone know the seller???

I think he might of searched WSCC chassis or something in google and found Mr Gites pictures and used them.

Right, so know chassis is Norman's, VIN from your chassis or another? And where did the V5 come from? Or is it an old one he found kicking around?

If I was able to drive I'd arrange a viewing for fun! Then report back the results.

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Can you all give me a sanity check on this.

Anyone buying a V5 will be planning something illegal. I just can't see any other genuine reason. The chassis cannot be sold, it's here, I know because I put a lot of wood on it this afternoon.

So, do I care if someone uses the pictures off my web site to sell a dodgy V5 to someone who wants it for illegal reasons.

There's a bloke that walks around near my friend's place with head down, shaking it. He's 40's/50's and bit strange looking.

I found out his story a while ago, he was a hard working, decent bloke. Had decent business, properties and the works. Split up with wife, 4 children, she rinsed him, CSA and everything. So he chucked everything in, wasted his money and walks around... On benefits. When people approach him his response is

"You think I'm crazy? I don't work my A*** off to pay the government and CSA! The government pay my and the CSA provide for my children... Who's crazy now?"

Back to your pictures being used. There is no connection to you, so you should have no worries. The only concern I'd have is the person that buy's whatever that log book is connected too in the future.

Why when buying a used car, VIN numbers are the most important check! If plates, stamps or locations look dodgy...

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