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i cant understand some folk


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Only problem is they won't believe. One look at his ugly mug and....



(Only kidding ducks)

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When I was 12 I worked evenings at a fish/game merchant, an hour a night, 5 nights a week. Helped him tidy his shop. This moved to Saturday work and basically running his shop floor, serving customers and doing all the prep work (filleting fish, cutting steaks... Etc) at 14 I moved to Saturday work in a restaurant, evening work in a hotel kitchen and Sunday I worked in a market (butchers). I was raking in the pennies! College, continued jobs, qualified as a chef, worked in one of the best restaurants in Devon, got more catering based qualifications... Decided not for me, joined army.

I bet there are many people here that have a similar style of story.

I am now suffering from a huge list of injuries and issues and leaving the army. I have been told that I'll be getting £250,000 from army (medical discharge), £250,000 compo from guy that ran me over right to £0 from army and £5,000 compo from being run over.

I am actually a bit scared of what will happen once out of the military (12yrs of security). However... I would rather sweep a SteveD's workshop floor every day for an hour and get £50 a week than go onto benefits.

Just to add, cheers for the help I've had from people here. Advice in possible options and even a day climbing trees, pre operation (which has destroyed my left arm). Right now I'm think a nice, safe, locksmith's course/career is my best plan.

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shame you live bit far away mate, reckon be a right hoot working with you ahha :d up at half 4 everyday for work atm, so wouldnt have top worry bout me being late :laugh:

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shame you live bit far away mate, reckon be a right hoot working with you ahha :d up at half 4 everyday for work atm, so wouldnt have top worry bout me being late :laugh:

Always been told I brighten up everyone's day at work! Not always in the way I'd hope either!!!


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Pffft, i just started a new job, currently at another store doing my training, they love me here, dont want me to go back to my store hahha! 


you intend to go self employed if you do a lock smith course? 

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As I have always known military career was going to end at some point I have had some cash put away for when it ends. To live off for 6-12 months. My wife's grounded in her career and I could actually stop work completely. I was planning on becoming a lock smith, do courses in brick laying, plastering and things. Then buy houses, land... Or similar and build. Buy a wreck of a house, do the work myself, sell/let and move on. The money we'd save with me doing the work would balance out what we pay someone else to do it. Work part time as locksmith, learn the job, then be a call out only locksmith to earn a few extra quid a month. Same with brick laying and plastering. I have to be careful due to a screwed up operation that's removed half my left bicep and all support for left shoulder. Also, previous marriage I have two sons with and due to CSA being based on daily rate their mother has denied me all contact, to get maximum money and stop my sons knowing the truth. So as an attempt to see my sons I am getting my wages as low as I can to reduce CSA and get her to contact me.

CSA bit, I paid £330 a month for a couple of years, went away for 6 months, while away it jumped to £480 a month. I enquired...

Salary after tax, take percentage (28 I think), divide by 365 then you have a daily rate. See your sons every other weekend is 50 days a year.

Well something along those lines. Since then pay rises and CSA has taken a slice of each. Now I pay £540 a month... Never had so much as a Christmas card since 2004. Spent more on solicitors in 10 years than I have cars! So reducing my pay seems logical next step to try and see my sons.

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Such a savage situation fella :( have a couple friends in teh exact same position as you, not much we can do othert han troop on and count on good friends (whether real life or on a forum) gto help us thru the low times and make the most oft he high times :) move back down to the west country mate, nice quiet life (apparetly) haha! :)

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Such a savage situation fella :( have a couple friends in teh exact same position as you, not much we can do othert han troop on and count on good friends (whether real life or on a forum) gto help us thru the low times and make the most oft he high times :) move back down to the west country mate, nice quiet life (apparetly) haha! :)


Don't worry, it's been nearly 10 years and I'm well beyond worrying about it. It did take 5yrs of hell to pull through and except what life is. I may come across grumpy here at times, but I love driving, the beach and active things. Well the driving here's insane. Every friend I've had come to my house spouts on about the drive for a good 10-15 mins! Now my family, in-laws too, get the train. Father in law had his grand vitara rear ended second time he came here, third party not insured, not licensed, no tax, no... The car was on polish plates driven by a polish person on holiday and spoke no English. I couldn't make up what goes on here.

Mrs C did drive to-from work for a week. Then stopped and got taxi's... They got lost, suddenly lost the ability to speak English and everytime I'd end up driving out, finding her and taking her myself. So now she walks 6 miles each way to work... Even then she's been run over! Broke her wrist. Neither of us has had a near miss, accident or even beeped at pre living here.

So clearly we're getting strong signals that we're not welcome here!

So Jurassic coast is where we'll be next, Charmouth looks top of the list.

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sounds like a top plan sir, only down the road from me :)and beautiful coastal roads to drive on :)

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I lived most of my adult life in Exeter, Blandford and Birmingham!!!! I grew up in Bristol, Exeter and the south west area.

Have a house in Plymouth and know single track C roads are a nightmare in a Westfield! People don't even slow down for you! But A and B roads are great fun.

But bit of a stop off before deciding if Australia would suit us better.

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