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i cant understand some folk


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Perhaps its because he is wearing it.


whilst trying to welcome them with a big Steve D "good to see you wuv" man hug?  Hmm... maybe that would put a few of them off!

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Its the modern equivalent of Swarvega down the Y-fronts that many an apprentice experienced in days gone by....

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:laugh:  :cry:

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Its the modern equivalent of Swarvega down the Y-fronts that many an apprentice experienced in days gone by....


ah, so that what Lord Sugar's TV programme has been missing... :oops:  :laugh:

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If my lad was a few years older I would pack him off to you, or if I was nearer the end of my commission

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Bombero, read my post above. Thay are not all as you describe. I admit some are and it's those we see on the TV. But we have got 3 very good youngsters who really want to work and are making a very good job learning on our customer support desk (for dealer systems).


A friend of ours daughter is at Uni. She is fundraising to pay £2500 for the privilege of going out to Kenya to work in an orphanage and climb Kilimanjaro. Apart from this she has saved up her fare and other personal expenses from working a saturday job. Funny thing is I never saw this on the TV. 

I'm referring to SteveD's post on the lack of committment from many out there when the job is there for the taking.. No, they're not all like this but the ones that are, are as I describe and what Steve refers to - decent job, good pay, fair boss! ???

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I'm aware. I think there;s probably an element of those that want a job and are willing to work don't need the government apprenticship scheme. So we're left with those you describe. However, I was just pointing out that we've got 3 good youngsters, so even those left can be good.


Like all employees you have to select the right people.

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Some have no self respect. I would have been very unhappy if I even lost a half hour's pay through being late as an apprentice - had to clock in and out. My father would have made my life hell had I skived off and he found out. Norman is right though, there are good youngsters. We had a builder here for a few weeks and he had a junior who turned up before his boss come rain or shine, and worked very hard when he was here even when his boss wasn't on site. He even brought the teacups back after he'd drunk his. His boss, on the other hand, would have been lost without the lad. As it happens the lad was an Afro-Caribbean and the boss a BNP supporter and ranted on about the looming tide of East Europeans, and 'foreigners' in general from morning to night. It must have been difficult for the lad.

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Motco, I had a friend in Sheffield who was exactly the same. Every nigh (in the pub) he would rant on about "the ****". Half an hour later he was telling me about the foreman he once had who was "a **** but the best worker he's ever had."

When we firts met him and his wife she came out with "I don't like Jews, they've got horns" I was going to laugh but realized she was deadly serious. So, I asked how many Jews she knew, none was the reply. Wrong said I, you know us. You know what came next, I'm sure, "Oh I didn't mean you. I responded by telling her she did mean us but hadn't realised.

Racism and prejudice, in my experience it's more like ignorance.

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Just to ensure the above post was not taken out of context, I've inserted a few sets of quotation marks, as it looked like Norman was making the racist comment, not quoting the person who was being racist.  I know Norman isn't a racist, of course - hope that helps to clarify that.  We all agree that racism is wrong.

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PC rules. Thanks Scott, but as you said I was quoting somebody.

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No different now than when it was 33 years ago; when companies used to take on loads of apprentice's. The company that I started with took on 49 apprentices that year and I would say a 3rd of them couldn't have given a monkeys!  It used to p*ss me off as the when I wanted to leave school at 16 I had no success so went back and re-sat some exams to improve my grades. The following year when I did get taken on it was only after being short listed.  I completed the 4 years without a days sick and never looked back.

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I left school at 15 and started an apprenticeship. Always first in and never slacked. After a few months myself and another lad volunteered to rebuild the firms 1932 Mg Midget M type. So we got in at 7, worked through lunch and an hour in the evening.


It was the way were brought up. We were taught pride in everything we did, we copied our parents who worked extremely hard. Remeber this was only 15 years after the war and things were tough. 

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Jak, you're too old! he wants a lad. Should we be worried about this?

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