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i cant understand some folk


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now as you know I have been loking for someone to help out at the new place ,ie westfield stripping and lotus work etc etc but had no joy had a couple of blokes I know come in for two or three days then they just didn't come in again , now its easy work and clean work ,I pay well and i'm easy to work for so its beyond me as I have said before ,I even had one texting me after he didn't come in asking for a full time job ,now why the chuff would I give someone a full time job who cant be arsed to even tell me they are not coming in

anyway supposed to have a young lad start today at 8 am , still not showed up so I give up with everyone why should I waist my time with f******ds who are out of work but cant even be arsed when there given a job, there are some strange eeeeediots around

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its in every industry mate, i had 2 job vacancies which i've advertised for 5 months, only 2 turned up, one of them asked, '...well, i'm interested in the job, but can I book my holidays ....' ..... :o


the second chap, stayed for 3 weeks, got a girl/girlfriend/friendwithbenefits etc pregnant and b*******ed off...


all i can say is, these people are brought up in a society where they know they can fall back on BENEFITS.

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I offered an apprentice role...

the college asked for 4 to come to interview 2 didn't respond, 1 didn't show up for the appointment and the last one was the one we wanted to see .... he now has a permanent role with us. 



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yup I have come to the  conclusion its me myself and I from now on

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We have two new apprentices now. We also have a permanent member of staff who started two years ago as an apprentice. 


One of the new ones is from a home where they are all on benefits but he openly calls his mum and brother "scroungers" and works hard and is keen. He keeps asking if he's doing OK, and seems terrified we'll get rid of him. If he keeps on progressing as he has done so far he'll be staying, permanently and on full pay. It's so refreshing to see someone who really wants a job and is determined to do well.


The other has only just started, but she is keen and is trying hard.


However, they are difficult to get. Must have had 15 or more referred over the two year period and only these 3 ever turned up.I suppose we were lucky in that respect, 100% success rate (for those that bothered to turn up) 


ed to add: Steve, keep plugging away, the good ones are out there it just takes time to get them knocking on the door.

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yup I have come to the conclusion its me myself and I from now on

As much as it sucks to turn down work... that is definitely the easiest way!

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I can't understand not turning up. Even as a lazy teenager my parents wouldn't have let me do such a thing.

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I can't understand not turning up. Even as a lazy teenager my parents wouldn't have let me do such a thing.


^ this :yes:


if you were nearer wuv I'd be up for this although I'm not exactly a teenager :p  on a lot of my 'holidays' I go down to a friends 'barn' near Eastbourne and we work on cars and stuff (mostly unpaid too as they're his...)

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Problem is that some parents are in bed all day, smoking, drugs and alcohol keep them going. They have no idea what their kids are doing and care even less. 

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yup I have come to the  conclusion its me myself and I from now on


In this day and age wuv I'd keep it that way.

Dismissal rights, health and safety, holiday pay, sick pay and all the other entitlements mean I'll never go back to employing again.... 


If I was you, I'd try and find a more mature guy or even someone close to, or retired. They loyalty will be much better. 

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There's no incentive to work .. not when scroungers/lazy b******ds/shirkers* (*delete as appropriate) get more on benefits! :bangshead:

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Bombero, read my post above. Thay are not all as you describe. I admit some are and it's those we see on the TV. But we have got 3 very good youngsters who really want to work and are making a very good job learning on our customer support desk (for dealer systems).


A friend of ours daughter is at Uni. She is fundraising to pay £2500 for the privilege of going out to Kenya to work in an orphanage and climb Kilimanjaro. Apart from this she has saved up her fare and other personal expenses from working a saturday job. Funny thing is I never saw this on the TV. 

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Are you sure it's not because of the mankinis?  If you're not wearing yours they won't believe they're the official uniform!

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Perhaps its because he is wearing it.

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Perhaps its because he is wearing it.

Note to self - never read WSCC Forums over lunch...! 

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