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Proud owner: Isobel Billingsley has spent £8,000 restoring her Austin Allegro to its original 1970s condition

I think the name explains it   :) 

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Marty, don't tell me you're a fan of the Luton Dustbin.


American crap made in Luton, England.

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I'm sure we all feel for you. :-)

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1962, my dad and little me drove to pula in what was then called Yugoslavia, 1957 vauxhall wyvern, dad couldn't afford the velox or cresta, we camped and drove back in 2weeks, the car didn't hiccup once and never did for the 5 years he owned it. We had several trips to Europe always camping fantastic fun and no money, those were the days.

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Marty, I didn't say they weren't reliable.


Would you drive one today, by choice? Or would you rather have a Bristol 403.

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I think I've lost your point there Norman, however I would drive a Reliant Regal van rather than nothing at all.

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Marty, I'm saying there are cars worth preserving and using. I have a 40 year old MG Midget, it's great. I just can't see what "fun" can be gained from a PA or PB Velox/Cresta

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Marty, I'm saying there are cars worth preserving and using. I have a 40 year old MG Midget, it's great. I just can't see what "fun" can be gained from a PA or PB Velox/Cresta


Isnt there a bit of "each to their own" though Norm.......................not everyone wants to jump into or cherish a 7 type car

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But a Midget is very far from a 7 type car.


I fully understand some folk like the Cresta type car. But surely not a car enthusiast?

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I know a midget is far from a 7 typer car.


I am just saying we are all different, and whilst you may well enjoy your midget and 7, there are others that like a big barge, and there is nothing wrong with that  :)

(Not me by the way)

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I understand that and I'm saying that sports car enthusiasts shouldn't be into Vauxhall Crestas.


Of course I may be wrong, usually am.

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All the cars cresta, zodiac, zephyr, victor, Mini Cooper, triumph 2000, rover 2000 and many many more

All iconic British cars built in Britain .

They were no better or worse than any European cars of that period, however our government decided to finish manufacturing in this country in favour of financial products.


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Ah! :-) the Bristol 403 Norm, My old man used to be a test driver for the Bristol Aeroplane Co.

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Bioman, When I started work at University Motors in Mayfair they were Bristol agents and we would get a few in for work. One Harley Street doctor would bring his in every year for it's annual decoke. He drove it from his mews garage to Harley St every working day, all of 1/2 mile. He would do about 2000 miles a yeasr. Jimmy, the chap I was being trained by would take it round Green Park at full revs in second. Clouds of black smoke would emit from the rear, it would cough and splutter. When the smoke stopped and it stopped couging, about 3 minutes of this treatment, the decoke was done.


However I did strip a few heads on them. The engine was a variation of the BMW pre-war 328 (?) engine. Single cam in the block but a complex array of pushrods to give a hemispherical head with valves arranged as if it was a twin cam.


The interior trim and finish would make Rolls Royce owners jealous.


But what did I like best? The flush fitting, push button door locks.

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