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God was watching over me !


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Is that a real bye bye or just for now.


I guess we'll know if I get an answer or not.

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Think I'll drop the fun & drive more slowly........whilst trying to avoid kerbs,tree stumps,BT boxes and other drivers, like some of our more sensible members. Time to go back to biking........maybe I'm still too young and immature for a car club.

Bye Bye all.

Hope you live long enough to get mature. Pick your toys up and put the back in your pram.....

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Don't race or drive like a **** on public roads. Save it for the track2, If you do, don't tell the world on a public forum.....you never know who's reading it

I know, someone from the Police force could be reading it!

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You will give us all a bad name driving like that.

Good luck with your next insurance quote from Claire :(

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Now't wrong with being a hooligan occasionaly, but save it for the track, before you kill yourself or worse someone else's loved one





Fully intend to be a hooligan this weekend. We are taking the powerboat out for the first time in over 2 years  Excited :) :) :)

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dont think anyone wants to see you flounce  off at all wuv but just dont want to see anyone hurt or worse its usually the f****r that was driving like a nunney that gets away with it but ends up killing a innocent person  , we all have our mad 5 minutes and those that denie it are lying but not all brag about it on a public forum , especially when we have police officers on here , and remember you are driving a small loud sports car that stands out like a sore d*** so you will very very soon get a reputation locally for driving like a c*** , please remember driving like a loony on the road has far worse consequenses than doing it on track , if you hit summat sideways in a westfield there is nothing and i mean nothing there to protect you , hit a anything sideways and you have a very high chance of dying ,there are no tree's on track or green box's or signs ,tree stumps anything at all tbh , be safe and enjoy your car



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Come on Graham, a real biker wouldn't give a hoot what anyone else thought. ;) Us Essex boys are duty bound to enjoy our cars at every opportunity.


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Think I'll drop the fun & drive more slowly........whilst trying to avoid kerbs,tree stumps,BT boxes and other drivers, like some of our more sensible members. Time to go back to biking........maybe I'm still too young and immature for a car club.

Bye Bye all.

 just ignore them. we've all driven like a nunney at some point or with the red mist down and im sure we all still drive pretty fast in our various machines on the roads given the chance.

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Hmm, there's a fire, I think I'll go and pour some petrol on it.


Shall we all take a step back.


It's a lovely day for a change, perfect for a blat. Such a shame to spoil it on here...

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For sure, everyone has experienced a "red mist moment" of some description but once that has cleared and all is calm, what you do not do is post specific details on any public forum where police officers and insurance companies may view and see your admission of guilt to what might be construed as reckless driving ? May I suggest you look at an edit of yur original post and see how it may be perceived by others or at least this may be an option for the mods to edit or hide from public view ?

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Hmmm with 720 views, horse and stable door come to mind Mark.

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Didn't know there was a horse in this forum and the internet is held back by stable doors. :)

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Shall we get it into perspective?  Man drives car.  Man drives car incorrectly.  Man spins car.  Man is extremely lucky and no one and nothing gets harmed.  Hopefully, man learns lesson, which he shares (rightly or wrongly) on the boardroom, so hopefully others can also learn lesson.  Did I miss anything?


I'd say we've reached the end of this book - time to put it back on the shelf.  As Dave says, it's a beautiful day out there - get out and enjoy it safely and responsibly, not sit in here and flog dead horses when there's live ones under the bonnets waiting to run.  The Wench just passed her MOT at lunchtime and I'm going to reward myself - I suggest you all do the same. :t-up:

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Why? Would you have run into guest? :)

I'd been poor sod in the wrong place as he lost control and took my nose off!


Anyway norm... What happened to not talking about brummie drivers? I've not mentioned it ovce for ages now... Except earlier commenting how sis in law had more near misses in 8 miles than 9 years of driving in Newcastle and London.

I could do at least 3 threads a week if you like...


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