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God was watching over me !


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Went out for a mad blat last night..Went to my regular bike meet in my Westie at The Dick Turpin on the A127 .Somehow (you know how it happens) ended up having a race with three bikes on the way home.

To cut a long story short,spun the car 1 1/2 times entering a dual carriage way at 80 mph.Stooped in the offside lane facing the wrong way........

Amazingly nobody got hit,other drivers didn't scream and shout and even stopped and watched as I spun it back in the right direction.

The bikers laughed and the other drivers looked in amazement.........obviously thinking what a t@553r.

Moral of this story......

Race your heart out but make sure your R888s are.HOT. There is a God?

If this had happened in Birmingham I'd be dead ???????

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If this had happened in Birmingham I'd be dead



Why? Would you have run into guest?  :)

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eeek not good admitting you were racing and exceeding the speed limit imho

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eeek not good admitting you were racing and exceeding the speed limit imho

It's my son posting nonsense again..........I was actually out on my bike.

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driving like a nunney on a public road is not big or clever and admitting you stacked it while doing so even worse imho , what would of happened if you took a biker out while spinning

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After your last outburst at me I should have a warm feeling all over that this couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, but I'm not the type, so I'm pleased to hear you escaped unscathed Graham.


Must admit though, I also agree with SteveD  ???

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Stick to your drifting round roundabouts Graham.

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Did you buy some lucky heather or maybe some pegs earlier:-)

Glad you came out unscathed

M&S have undies on offer at the mo

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Golly, a lucky escape Graham by the sound of it.  Glad the car is undamaged old chum.

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I span the other day, not quite 360 degrees - at Gurston and that was scary.. I think you've been lucky in the extreme......

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Moral of this story......

Race your heart out but make sure your R888s are.HOT. There is a God?

The moral of the story is

1, Don't race or drive like a nunney on public roads. Save it for the track

2, If you do, don't tell the world on a public forum.....you never know who's reading it

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Think I'll drop the fun & drive more slowly........whilst trying to avoid kerbs,tree stumps,BT boxes and other drivers, like some of our more sensible members. Time to go back to biking........maybe I'm still too young and immature for a car club.

Bye Bye all.

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