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Cheshire and North Staffs Monthly Meet

Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

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Hopefully will have finished the Ginetta by 10 so will see you there - I might ring Dave if thats ok to see where you are!

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No problem at all Frase; TBH, I'd been thinking about doing a loop anyway, so that anyone leaving tintops at the Stocks wouldn't be worrying about lifts back. I also wanted to make it a bit more of a run, all be it still a shortish one.


So a meet back at the Stocks fit's in well.

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I cant make it , no great loss I know :laugh:  but il be working through the night ,well as long as it takes to get a westy  out :cry:

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Snapped the clutch cable as I was leaving the Whipping Stocks  :cry:


Made it back okay without a clutch; didn't have to stop once  :)


Thanks for everyones help and offers. Hope the guy whose throttle cable broke got home okay too.

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Glad you got back ok same thing happened to me at lunch time today!

I was in greenstreaks car when it died. It wasnt a broken cable but couldn't be fixed at the side of the road. Andy ended up altering the throttle and we cruised back at 30. It was an entertaining few miles back!

Oh and cheers to the 2 gents who burned past us and left us at the side of the road. Your help and concern was much appreciated.

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Glad everyone got home safe, a night for one or two mechanical gremlins!


Good to catch up with everyone, what a fantastic turn out tonight, and what a brilliant surprise when we got to the Swettenham Arms, some  great old Triumphs and Jags. Think we may have gate crashed someone else's meet their...

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Glad you got back ok same thing happened to me at lunch time today!

I was in greenstreaks car when it died. It wasnt a broken cable but couldn't be fixed at the side of the road. Andy ended up altering the throttle and we cruised back at 30. It was an entertaining few miles back!

Oh and cheers to the 2 gents who burned past us and left us at the side of the road. Your help and concern was much appreciated.

name and shame :laugh:

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Snapped the clutch cable as I was leaving the Whipping Stocks  :cry:


Made it back okay without a clutch; didn't have to stop once  :)


Thanks for everyones help and offers. Hope the guy whose throttle cable broke got home okay too.


That's a relief - glad you made it back OK.  Felt more than a bit guilty when we found out just after you'd left that the spare throttle cable wasn't needed for the other car.


Hope 1313's nerves aren't shot this morning.  If I'd known it was his first time in an aeroscreened car, I might have warned him what to expect... :laugh:

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At least they'd managed to find him a helmet. So helpful too, making sure it was pushed all the way down, and the strap done up just right ;):p :p :laugh:


Andy, (Greenstreak) texted me last night, he got his throttle cable fixed - he was planning on using the car to get to work this morning, so did a bit of late night spannering.

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Oh and cheers to the 2 gents who burned past us and left us at the side of the road. Your help and concern was much appreciated.


hahaha, I like it  :laugh:


At least they'd managed to find him a helmet. So helpful too, making sure it was pushed all the way down, and the strap done up just right ;):p :p :laugh:


It was defiantly on all the way  :p  :)

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I did half expect to see a helmet walking round with just a pair of feet sticking out at one point. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Yep as Dave says, I sorted the throttle cable. A replacement cable nipple to suit the Jenvey linkage , this time I tightened both grub screws at either end of the nipple! That won't come off again!!

On plus I noticed the butterfly was only opening 85 ish deg, so a bit more adjusting and now get the full 90deg opening! More power! Fantastic. Sort of silver lining!


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Chris my nerves are fine I'm a good passenger just not use to the aero screen

Thanks for the lift home


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Excellent... glad to hear it... and it was interesting to see what progress can be make through technology (or vorsprung durch technik as they say in Germany ;) ) these days! 

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Great blat out and knockout route.

Glad to see old and new faces.  must get me Wessy back on the road.  

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