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Lancs run out for some pics and vids?


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Makes sense Paul!


Slow is fine, gives me more chance of getting the pics in focus :laugh:

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Later the better! (possibly week beginning 3rd)


Give me a chance to pick mine up from BLINK (cam belt kit) and fit the passenger seat!

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Right then, had a chat with a few of you gents last night and it appears there is enough interest to go ahead - thanks :t-up:


Rather than cramming loads of events into a short space of time, how does the evening of Thursday 6th June sound? A reasonable meeting point, I think, would be Botany Bay car park, just off J8 of the M61: https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?saddr=Unknown+road&hl=en&ll=53.663968,-2.613888&spn=0.080557,0.154324&sll=53.670648,-2.620325&sspn=0.002517,0.004823&geocode=FcH1MgMdUgPY_w&mra=prev&t=m&z=13


From there, we can take the back lanes to the car park in the pics, with the road between Rivington and Belmont being a good place for me to set up and get some fly-by shots too: https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?saddr=Unknown+road&daddr=53.6418131,-2.575752+to:53.6226943,-2.5764043+to:Rivington+Rd&hl=en&ll=53.645452,-2.549515&spn=0.161184,0.308647&sll=53.634104,-2.578354&sspn=0.020153,0.038581&geocode=FcH1MgMdUgPY_w%3BFVWCMgMdeLLY_ykhLhsl6wt7SDEvM_xbbDdyCw%3BFaY3MgMd7K_Y_yn7TexzWAl7SDHh-fcKcBagfg%3BFXp0MgMd3brZ_w&mra=dvme&mrsp=1&sz=15&via=1,2&t=m&z=12


Should have enough light til 9ish, so how's about we try and meet at half 6 for leaving at 6:45? We'll hopefully get to the car park for about 7:15 in that case (should anyone want to meet us there instead), which will give us plenty of time.


If everything's done quickly, could even nip back to the Yew Tree for a drink - we'll have driven past it on the run out: https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=yew+tree+inn+chorley&hl=en&ll=53.631916,-2.579856&spn=0.021172,0.038581&sll=47.73855,12.508828&sspn=49.286038,79.013672&hq=yew+tree+inn&hnear=Chorley,+Lancashire,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=15



Thoughts / suggestions / questions?




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Well the route can be adjusted if you require ;)

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Sounds like a good plan.

I'll be there



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'Tis in me Calendar.  :)  :)  :)

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I will put an email out on mailing list

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count me in.....

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Rather than cramming loads of events into a short space of time, how does the evening of Thursday 6th June sound?


Sounds good, I'll be there

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We're on then - thanks all!


Fingers crossed for some sunshine :t-up:


Steve - sorry if this seems like I'm trying to 'take over', that really isn't intended to be the case, just thought it might be easier for me to organise as I know the area and stuff...

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Adam mate ..your not taking over it really helps...it does get difficult trying to come up with interesting things for the boys and their toys:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers John. Email was sent round by Steve earlier on so hoping to be a reasonable turnout :)

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Hi chaps,


I'll be there, but 6.30 is a bit early for me. I'll go straight to the Rivi/Belmont road and hopefully get there about the same time you do. See you there!




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