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Lancs run out for some pics and vids?


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Hello all,
I spoke to Steve a few months back about the possibility of organising a run out, but with the twist of having a stop off somewhere to grab some pics and take a few drive-by vids...
I had been up this way before but went scouting yesterday evening. There's a cracking road running from Rivington to Belmont, with a car park towards one end (which is also a good place to turn around and go back along it :) ): https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=rivington&hl=en&ll=53.638277,-2.508316&spn=0.021169,0.038581&sll=47.73855,12.508828&sspn=49.286038,79.013672&hnear=Rivington,+Lancashire,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=15&layer=c&cbll=53.638263,-2.508007&panoid=jdPP1hNqELXaS_7FkK45xQ&cbp=12,170.79,,0,5.51
Here's what it looks like (excuse the samey pics and sloppy editing, didn't have a lot of time and just slung these together quickly before work):





There are a couple of places I could set up with the camera and get some 'drive-by' pics and vids too.

Something that may also be of interest is that my bookkeeper does canvas printing, really good quality and great prices - I am sure they would be up for a mates rates / bulk buy discount...


Anyone fancy it one evening? That's the best time for some nice soft, warm lighting :)




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Spot on Adam we just need to pick a suitable evening  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:

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Looks good to me, I know the area well from maintain biking. That road joins nicely into a little run down the back of Anglezarke, onto White Coppice and Heapey. Weds evening weather looks good, but it's the only evening I can't make, so might have to hold out for the next one :oops:

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 "(excuse the samey pics and sloppy editing, didn't have a lot of time and just slung these together quickly before work)"

Still better than most people's bestest!!!

Yep - I'd be up for it if am able. Car at Blink till next week sometime for Cam belt.

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Wont be this Wednesday Martin...were heading across the border to you :-):-)

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Adam I'm up for this let me know when and where.


:t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

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hi adam put me down for photo shoot let me know when and where

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Hoping to get up to Skipton myself, anyone else from Manchester end?

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just give me a shout i am 10 mins from rivington

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Cheers chaps, looks like there is some interest then :)

How about sometime back end of next week (first few days of June)? Open to suggestions though, would want to make it as accessible to all as possible.

Marty - should be heading over yep, although need to get my wheels balanced, hopefully the garage can squeeze it in tomorrow...

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fri normally a good evening to hit rivington as sat and sunday can be busy with bikers and walkers,

weather dependant. speed limit not good have reduced it as too many bikers trying to kill themselves !

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