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Gullwing Westield


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Interested to Know the date on the advert cutting above from Womac. It states" to fit any wide bodied model."


The ebay car looks to me to be a narrow body, purchased in 1988 according to the listing? any ideas

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That's my take on it.


I suspect you'd have to fit the windscreen, body and hardtop  all together at the same time to even stand a chance of getting them to line up.


I do like the concept though. But in practice the complexity of manufacture etc pushes the price right out there reducing the already limited market even further. I dread to think what the costs would be if you tried to properly make one out of carbon...

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Way back in 2001 when I got my Westfield there was a guy called Darren who lived near me in Horsham that had built his own hardtop (red narrow with vx IIRC), I think he was a chippie but haven't see him or his car around in 10 years now - it didn't have gullwing doors and I think it had sliding side windows like an early Mini.


My abiding memory of him was at a track day at Kemble when he took my missus out for a quick lap, she came back and told me his detachable steering wheel wasn't lined up right so at around 90mph along a straight bit he pulled it off and then pushed it on :oops:   :laugh:

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