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Paul Gibney - Lancashire AO

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Oh, the above from a moron.

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Oh, the above from a moron.



? not sure how this is meant.


however, when it comes to football i am a moron, i know nothing... really! first game i played was in 2002, i'd been in germany for about 3 months and my troop's team were a man down. decided to rope me in. back then i was one of the fastest runners and one of the fittest guys. knew the basics, they put me in an easy position, defence. i was told if someone comes towards me with a ball, run at them full pelt and get the ball. i did that, put the guy on his back and was sent off... when back on they put me in goal... ok, ball flying at my head and you want me to stop it??? sorry! so 15 mins into game i'd been sent off for 5 mins and let in 2 goals. at this point i was sent home.


since then i have never played foot ball. i grew up in my mother's car dealership and at the beach... cleaning cars, doing light bodywork and basic servicing.


This has given me a dull view on football as i only see and hear about the bad things that make it in the media. ~~Mrs C has this idea that banning football would solve most the issues and crime in the world. however, could you imagine underground football teams? they alreadt drive about in a stereotypical drug dealers car...

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Making them all wear  handbags would be better , there all girlies anyway .


Love to see him try it in a proper mans game , probably get his head ripped off  :t-up:   

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He's been fined and fine has gone to justice for the 96.

So he did it for charity and should be applauded for his good work


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The fine is from the club. I think the maximum is 2 weeks wages, so about £250,000. He may well like the money to go to the Hillsborough fund but that's up to the club.


The FA will have a hearing, go through all the evidence and pass judgement. If you look carefully at the minute or so after the incident the referee stops a second and then turns away. I'm guessing he had decided not to give a red card. Had he done so the FA would not have been able to pass any further sanction. That's the rule, if the referee hands out a card that is the end of the matter.

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Ok, how is it I can grab a guy by the neck for p155ing in my Westfield, first pulled to one side for assault by coppers, then due to red marks on his neck I was told I was going to get arrested for GBH. However a role model for children can be fined pocket change?

I had pink socks with yellow stars, rather than black ones, at work and was fined 3 days pay!

Yes he has done many good things, however the impression I got from the news report is that as he is good at football he can get away with it.

Not a rant, just trying to work it all out. I guess it's the power of the media influencing the uneducated. As far as football is concerned I know nothing, so only have opinions formed from a couple of news clips and this thread.

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Making them all wear handbags would be better , there all girlies anyway .

Love to see him try it in a proper mans game , probably get his head ripped off :t-up:

Like it!

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you wear pink socks what the devil

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As a football fan, I am always amazed by people that expect that professional footballers to be 'role models'.  These are people who are good at football period, I have read a few footballer autobiographies and they all seem to spend considerably more time stood out in the cold and significantly less time undertaking any form of education and/or doing good for the community.  They are good at kicking a football around, if people want role models and/or guardians of morale values then they really should look elsewhere.


This is just another disgraceful act on the football field, is it any worse than karate kicking a spectator, racism, kicking a ballboy, pushing over the referee, constant swearing?, but we shouldn't really expect any better, unfortunately.

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Stussy, OK that's De Canio. What have the others done?


I was at Hillsborough when De Canio pushed the ref over. I just thought it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. The ref went staggering backwards 3 or 4 steps and then fell over.


It's interesting to note that some think that Cantona was right to launch at the fan who had shouted racial abuse at him.


I've met a few footballers and, apart from one, they all seem a bit stupid. Uneducated type of stupid. The exception is Jack Whitham who played for Wednesday and was sold to the all conquering Liverpool side in the 70s. Not only intelligent but a good folk songwriter and guitar player.

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I think it is just par for the course. From what I've seen, admittedly not much, football is a game played mainly by thugs for the entertainment of...............well I'll stop there because I don't want to cause offence.

They call it the "beautiful game" but what is beautiful about it beats me. I have to admit I find it very boring.

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That's helped a bit, cheers.

It's like anyone good at their job or specific skill, concentrate so much on that and no time for anything else.

I'm very good at sleeping at the moment! Not much time for anything else. Why constantly grouchy and hung over! 3weeks till operation and hopefully only a few months of pain killers left! I hope it's a shocking summer! I'll not be able to drive! Next summer best be good though.

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Ive been bitten on the rugby pitch 3 times in my playing career... Once by a member of my own team.... but only as a result of my hands going in someones mouth.... happens quite frequently in rugger.


I couldnt believe Suarez thought he's get away with it... 

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James, I'm not sure "getting away with it" was on his agenda. He probably didn't give that a thought. He just saw red and bit.

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