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Benefits capped


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I'm sure that a high percentage of soldiers in afghan are on less than £25k!

What's army pay like? I've always assumed that when you're in your late teens it's great compared to what your mates are earning in a call centre or similar admin job.

There are guys that I worked with in our admin centres doing pretty similar jobs a decade on. They have perhaps had one promotion. I was on £10.7k back then at 21 years old.

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As we're on page 5 amd no one has disagreed I think we can safely say that this has has agreed that benefits are too high.


However two situations should not be forgotten.


1) those who need expensive care must not be disadvantaged by cuts or caps.

2) those put out off good jobs must not be forced out of their homes without be given time to get another job. Even if the "benefits" are given as a loan against future earnings.


Now, can we move on.


Let's talk about gay marriage instead.

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Wouldn't it be nice if by cutting to all the scroungers, more could be given to the deserving. Hopefully in help rather than just cash.


Many deserve all the help they can get.

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Now, can we move on.


Let's talk about gay marriage instead.


Let`s not Norman.

I`ve just eaten dinner & GM makes me feel sick. :angry:

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Doug, don't be harsh to all benefit claimants. 


In many cases it's the system at fault. Would you put your family through hardship because you wanted to work for less that the system would give you in benefits.


One way to cut benefits paid as rent support is to pass a rent act that enables local authorities to set maximum rents in the various areas within their remit. I know that rents are set by many private landlords to fit the benefit available.


Now wasn't that a good aspect on gay marriage.

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Graham, whilst I disagree with it as a religious ceremony, it's OK as a civil contract. 


We have enough bigatism in the world lets not add homophobia to it. 

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Graham, whilst I disagree with it as a religious ceremony, it's OK as a civil contract.

We have enough bigatism in the world lets not add homophobia to it.

I still can't fathom why people even care about other people's gay marriage. If your religion says it's wrong then to me that's fair enough and a church or whatever shouldn't be forced into it. But otherwise why would I care? Two people making a commitment to eachother can only be a good thing.

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Matt, agreed. The reason I don't agree with the religious bit is that in most religious marriages are sanctioned for the reason of procreation. My objection isn't because some say it's wrong.  Why give all those religions the problem. Civil contracts will do.

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I still can't fathom why people even care about other people's gay marriage. If your religion says it's wrong then to me that's fair enough and a church or whatever shouldn't be forced into it. But otherwise why would I care? Two people making a commitment to eachother can only be a good thing.


Guess I could forgive Nicloe Scherziger (?) if she wanted to marryCheryl Cole. :p

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This has to be the biggest drift off topic ever. One min were on benefits and the next gay marrige :d

I don't mind if two people are happy together they good on them but I cont see how churches can be forced to marry them. Religion is suppose to be based on faith and beliefs not what the law tells you you must do, within reason.

Same sex couples adopting I do not agree with though.

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This has to be the biggest drift off topic ever. One min were on benefits and the next gay marrige :d

I don't mind if two people are happy together they good on them but I cont see how churches can be forced to marry them. Religion is suppose to be based on faith and beliefs not what the law tells you you must do, within reason.

Same sex couples adopting I do not agree with though.

Blame Norman,he started it ...........honest.

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Mark, are these low cost properties available to rent or only to buy?


My information from a planner in Sheffield is that there is a shortage of low cost rented properties and the private landlords are setting rents that match available rent benefits. Maybe it's regional. 


I've read that it's the same in London.





So, can someone explain how someone on benefits can afford £135,000 let alone £60,000. Simple answer is they can't . And that's why the private sector set rents that match housing benefits. If housing benefits drop so will rents.


im a private landlord. I put my rent at what the agency said and what the rest of the places in the area were at. I suspect a lot are the same



Change of tone.

Benefits should not be capped, some people actually need them and this could have implications for these people!

However, if you're married I believe you should have a decent tax reduction, if you own your own house... Etc. the model citizen should not be supporting dossers! I feel that people doing right get punished and people doing nothing/wrong reap the rewards.


why should a married man (or woman) get a tax reduction.




Can`t understand why people should not have sold their ex council houses.Were they supposed to live in them forever ? Ex council houses are lower in price so help less well off people to get on the property ladder.The vendor almost certainly purchased another home which allows the housing cycle to turn.Profit,if you can call it that,from the sale of a HOME is nothing more than a number on paper as we all know.I really can`t see the problem with buying a house and selling it for more than cost,no matter how you came by it !!!!



If they have bought them under a scheme all above board why should they not be allowed to sell them especially if they have met the terms and conditions.




Assessing and means testing benefits is an absolute must if it isn't to bankrupt us, in which case we all lose out, you, me, and most significantly those really in need. A benefits cap is not something I would generally support, some people in genuine need will be affected, but if where someone lives is driving a need for £2000 a month in benefits then there should be a programme in place to move them to a place where we (since we are paying) can afford for them to live.



Balance the books or go bankrupt..Greece style.


nice ghettos for the poor then. emptying out of places that are too expensive to be lived in.



so just a thought who here has claimed or is claiming one or more of these (or has a partner claiming)?


1. child benefit

2. state pension

3. income support(Stephen get your mate to apply for these. they pay taxes they are entitled esp on 12K)

4. careres allowance

5. maternity pay

6. incapacity benefit (of any sort)

7. winter fuel payments

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im a private landlord. I put my rent at what the agency said and what the rest of the places in the area were at. I suspect a lot are the same




why should a married man (or woman) get a tax reduction.






If they have bought them under a scheme all above board why should they not be allowed to sell them especially if they have met the terms and conditions.



nice ghettos for the poor then. emptying out of places that are too expensive to be lived in.



so just a thought who here has claimed or is claiming one or more of these (or has a partner claiming)?


1. child benefit

2. state pension

3. income support(Stephen get your mate to apply for these. they pay taxes they are entitled esp on 12K)

4. careres allowance

5. maternity pay

6. incapacity benefit (of any sort)

7. winter fuel payments


Hooray...we get family allowance for two kids...but we pay for their education !


I AGREED with the sale of ex council houses by their owners !!!!

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Have signed in for a total of about 6 weeks. Even got shafted by them which is a long story.

Remember actually getting a job and applying for a crisis loan to help pay for fuel etc until my first wage due to them shafting me. Asked for about £45 to last me two weeks, they paid £21. When I said that this wasn't even enough to get to work they told me to manage best I could then I would have to quit and sign on again explaining the circumstances.

This is prob why I hate people on benefits so much as I did everything right but got done over by the system. It took me 10 years to pay that £21 back as my own little protest knowing they would never take legal action for that amount. Prob cost them twice that in stamps and admin and am not one little bit sorry.

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Hooray...we get family allowance for two kids...but we pay for their education !


I AGREED with the sale of ex council houses by their owners !!!!


it's your choice to pay for their education. if you didn't want to then there is provision in a state school.

it is also your prerogative to claim the child support.


I wasn't having a go at you over the houses. there were many comments and that was just the one I chose for that topic. if everything was above board then why shouldn't they be allowed to sell? its their good fortune that they went up in price. the right-to-buy scheme was flawed in that the sold social housing wasn't replaced with new social housing.


some one commented on the 2up 2 down in Liverpool and that they should be renovated. Have they been here recently. vast swathes of them have gone and new housing is being put up.


people on "benefits" cover a vast amount of the populous not just the unemployed. the unemployed are not the huge drain the media makes out to be. yes there are people who make a living out of it and there are people who ought to be in work etc and the cheats ought to be chased out. but at what cost. I don't have the answer and I doubt anyone does.


"benefits" cover a lot of state hand-outs that are claimed by an awfully large sector of society

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